Hi there, no need to apologise for the post length, it's really useful to see it all laid out like that

It is a bit hard to spot patterns when you're out and about in the afternoons, but IMO it's better for our sanity not to feel bound by our LOs' naps

I did wonder whether she might need a bit more A time overall, which you might be able to achieve by offering a short third nap so that she can have a little more A time afterwards - most LOs need to be able to manage 3h A times before dropping to two naps, then they end up with 3x3h = 9h overall A. If you're on two naps but only 2.5h A times (for example), you only get 7.5h A overall, which is likely not quite enough, or else an extra long A to BT, which can then result in OT, which can in turn result in EWs.
It's actually pretty common for LOs this age to chat early in the morning, it can also be developmental, but probably worth looking at the routine as things do change so quickly at this age. Also worth considering whether anything else happens at 5:30am, eg a boiler turning on, someone getting up to leave for work, etc?