Oh no so sorry to hear that, I imagine (((hugs))) would be rather painful right now so
instead! Did you get any advice on avoiding recurrence of the TT? At our clinic they advised 2-3 hourly BF but that doesn't sound like a great idea for you right now
so I'm certainly not telling you to do that! But the other thing they recommended which you might be able to do (although it's horrible too
) is wound massage (where the TT used to be, just to clarify on her, not on you - you certainly don't need wound massage!!), twice daily is what they said. The wound under her tongue will be a kind of diamond shape, which will be pinkish now and turn white in a couple of days or so. We were told to massage in a kind of circular motion so as to push the edges of the diamond outwards to prevent recurrence. My DD was a bit older so I was allowed to use teething gel a few minutes before doing the massage as it is supposed to hurt (ie screaming
). Please don't take this as extra pressure, I'm sorry I don't know how to pass on what we were told without it pressurising you when that is really not what you need - so take it or leave it but don't feel burdened by it