My DS is usually asleep between 7:30pm-8:30pm, will do a 5-6 hour stretch and wake up around 1-2am, and then will wake up again around 4-5am and then again sometime around 6-7am. I will feed DS at the 6-7am waking but he always falls back asleep for another 1-2 hours. Am I supposed to just let him sleep? Was 6-7am his true wake time and nursing just makes him sleepy again? I really can't tell but the extra snooze I get is certainty nice. It just makes it hard to start the EASY routine because when he does get up at 8am it would have been less than 3 hours since he last ate. DS is 3 months old by the way. I've tried just turning on lights at the 6-7am waking but he's just so cranky!! What can I do to get us on a more consistent schedule? He still has trouble connecting sleep cycles for naps so I've just been trying to feed him every 3 hours and keep his wake time between 1.5-2 hours. We use shush pat to calm him down in the crib and then walk away and he just falls asleep on his own. Really trying to get him on a schedule but he seems to have something else in mind...any advice would be greatly appreciated!