Im sorry things have not gotten better
Maaaaaany hugs!!! Mine did that 5am wake and I accepted it as his WU after awhile (he was older though; about 13ish months?)
I hated it. So much so I feel your pain!
4 month regression, not looking forward to it. I'm at 2 months struggling with 5am wakes myself with little to no resettling... Also having my 4 year old come in after barely getting baby down, finally. Sigh. I'm on about the sabe amount of sleep and pattern after a weird night! But, I'm not even at 4 months! Grrrr. Positive vibes!!!! Many hugs!
I tryyyyyyyt my best to say to myself, it will pass... But with two there's little room to rest right? I'm having a hard time too! Your not alone!
Yeah maybe it isn't a GS anymore then... Hmm, I've been reading on here a lot and with early wakes or during the changes in 4mths, many have suggested increase in the morning A time? I have read that pushing it morning A can help with early wakes. Do you think she is not as tired and waking more? Or have you tried that too? Sorry if I'm not much help but, your not alone and I wanted to help w/ kind words at the very least!