Thank you for the support and hugs Weaver

I breastfed my first son too but we never had problems. He was a natural but yes I gave formula before the year. It's a lot easier knowing as you said.
Recently, he got a tummy bug and was pooping 10+ times a day. He was betting dehydrated and being so tiny and at the time just 8 weeks old, his dr didn't/couldn't put him on meds. He said had it been 6 months they do have meds that "plug them up" ...our goal was to stop the excessive runny stools. Or "plug him up" as the dr said, so he wouldn't continue to dehydrate and then it could get worse; especially so little it's very dangerous. He told me to do formula for 24 hours (and pump to keep up supply) b/c formula they strain more and it would thicken his stools, where as breast milk it's normally more stools/softer. I'll be completely honest, giving him formula those 24 hour.... I have never seen him so content and calmer for that matter. (Until the next day when the affects of the formula hit him. Colic symptoms and pain cries all day and then subsided by that evening/next day since I had resumed breast) ......
So as you can see why I suspect it's me. But when I was pumping that day I was pumping a total (both breasts from dial electric pump) of 4+ oz and we know the pump never gets everything nor does it signify how much milk supply I have. I thought that was decent?! I do offer both always. As far as wind, he doesn't burp much at all but I do find he's gassy but not always? He's "normal" Or typical, for gas/reflux etc. it's never been excessive.
In the afternoons when our supply is less it's worse. I've always wondered if he's just comfortable... But he gets himself off! I don't ever take him off- only time is when I switch breasts to wake him if he fell asleep. I eat healthy so I just don't understand. Once I distract him, then he's ok?
But it's really really bothering me at this point