Hi thanks! Yes I do have a thread in easy.
So she doesn't often cry upon waking, she's usually very happy. And I don't always feed her upon waking, just when she asks. She has a certain demanding cry that almost turns into a bark and nothing else will make her happy even a paci. I can distract her for sure by going outside, etc. but this is usually short lived. However, with some years yesterday I was able to feed her every 2.5-3 hours in the first half of the day and every 2 or so later on as she got fussier and more overtired. It worked well for all feedings except the last one, which was after 1.5 hours because it was bed time. She got annoyed at the flow and I had to switch sides a few times and express with my hand. However, after feeding her at 7 pm she slept till 4:30 am with a 30 min waking at 8:20 where we soothed her back to sleep so she wasn't hungry!!!
I think she may have had a growth spurt so maybe that's it and now she's going into leap 3 where she just wants to suckle and not eat.
Anyway, my main question was could I put her down to sleep again without any feeds at all? For example, if she feeds at 10 am, asleep at 10:30 wakes at 11, need to put her down about 12 again and to nurse her in time would be only 1.5 hours between....