Obviously schedules differ and always depend on the baby, but the GENERAL routine for 11-12 mo. in terms of number/time is...
Naps: 1-2
Total nap time: 2-3 hrs (messes up during 2-1)
Awake time: 3-4 hrs
Total night time: 11-12 (also messes up during 2-1)
Here is what I gathered from your posts and our recommendations. There certainly is a lot going on, but we may be able to rule out certain things. Again, we're very happy to support you, but don't want you to stress over things out of your control and with the inevitable daily nuances. You really are doing the best that you can!
Independent Sleep/Sleep training
-Put down wide awake, no rocking to naps or nursing to sleep
-Use GW or Wi/wo, try one method for 5+ days
Weaning NF (Re: Hand Holding for Night Weaning?)
-try 1 breast for 2 NF OR decrease time on breast incrementally
-get to 1 NF
-get to 0 NF
-snacks + bf, bm in cup
-wake same time +/- 15 mins every morning
-keep same A time in the morning or start moving to 4 A in 15 min increments
-use short am/long pm strategy or vice versa
-aim to get at one mid-day nap with either short am or pm nap
-resettle using same method as sleep training
Night Wakes
-For physical development, ride it out, keep WU time the same
-Minimal/no contact if lo is happy
-use same method as sleep training
Teething (please check with your pediatrician for dosing and duration... ie. for a week, 2 weeks, etc..)
-give ibuprofen 30 min before bed
-give ibuprofen or tylenol 30 min before naps (one that requires most resettling)
-once teeth cut, possibly do full NF weaning
If you can achieve IS, you can eventually rule out NWs, NFs, discomfort, OT, etc.... As for routine, since you don't know how long his naps will be, you can keep the first nap time (with the same WU time every day), and adjust from there, keeping the same A's for at least 5 days.
The 2-1 thread is a great place for support with other moms in the same boat... hopefully more will join you there. Depends on your DS, but the 2-1 is one of the longest, so it might not pass as soon as you'd like, but it will pass! I think once DS falls asleep wo nursing and you reduce the NFs, he'll get better uninterrupted sleep at night which can definitely help.