i had responded to your questions but I don't see my post! ?!?
I meant pm nap time at 2:45pm, then bring it earlier to 2:30pm if needed after a few days.
Ok, sorry to say but once you give in, it's like starting all over and is actually harder on the baby. I know you're doing your best though! Even though it's messy, stick with it...Without being concerned about the A times. So even if it takes til 5A, be there for him until he falls asleep but don't use the prop you're trying to stop. Remember that some of us has already said that you kind of have to let the nap times be what they are until he's 100% independently sleeping to know what the actual deal is.
Is your method currently holding? Were there any suggestions about patting? What I had to do when DS got up was put him back down. Again and again. A version of pu/pd. He cried but I never left his side until he stayed down. And I didn't ever leave before he fell asleep until he would go down without a fight. I think I even bent down and held him (like cradle him gently) in his crib to help him or pat his back while he was standing, then put him down. I've also given in during that time and picked him up when he was hysterical, but eventually I had to bite the bullet and stop picking him up or he'd just keep seeking it. I know that's really tough but it might be necessary in your situation. After that, I used the patting, occasional holding, wi/wo, whatever worked for the blip in IS, but it was much easier to revert to IS.