Ah the joys of the 2-1! I remember DS getting into a similar OT mess around this point too. I think you have 2 options if she refuses a CN after a long sleep
1) Stick with long AM and do a super early bedtime (e.g. Around 5.30/6) and hope/see if she does a longer night to catch up and gradually try to increase first A time so nap is closer to 12 with less time afterwards until bed (but she'll need to catch up on some sleep first)
2) Switch to short AM, long pm amd do a super short first nap (e.g. Only 10-15 mins) earlier than your current long one (e.g. See if she'd sleep around 10) and then try putting her down around 3-3.5 hrs after she wakes from that.
The second option is what worked for my DS. He got too OT when we tried one nap only, even with SEBT.
We used to do this:
Wu: 6am (he was and still is an early riser!)
Nap 1: 9.30-9.45
Nap 2: 1-2.30/3
BT:between 6.30&7
Every LO is different though & some won't go to sleep on a shorter A time, so it's working out which will suit your DD best
I saw you moved nap earlier when you got EW. If you opt for 1 nap and SEBT, try to keep the nap around the same time each day (like a set nap). That can help to keep a routine with it too.
Have you checked out the 2-1 chat thread? There are a couple of people also going through the same thing.
Anyone want to talk about the 2-1 transition #27 Xxx