Hello, I've just read the whole thread and i'm having the same problems, hoping to see what happens with the one nap, I tried it the other day but DS did 30mins then woke crying, gave dummy, another 30mins then crying and wouldn't go back, that was it for the day the back at work so grandparents had him and they stuck to two naps, usually has about 1hr 45-2hrs a day and nights are now short as started waking early and we have got into bad habit last 2 weeks of giving dummy when wakes bout 5:30 and leave him till 7 (presume he goes back for 30 mins at some point as quiet with dummy [we got rid of his dummy at 6months]) he wakes my just turned 3yr old though and I am struggling with sleep so don't want to start the day that early that's why we've caved and given dummy back!! He is 12.5 months old.