Author Topic: Help with 2:1 transition please  (Read 8389 times)

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Re: Help with 2:1 transition please
« Reply #75 on: June 16, 2016, 15:45:57 pm »
Whatever you decide to try, I would be hesitant to judge the effect after 1 day. I would say do similar first A time 3 days in a row, and the fourth day would be the effect. Kids need time to adjust.
If you feel like longer A time would work better, go for it :)

Offline Mum2lucy

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Re: Help with 2:1 transition please
« Reply #76 on: June 18, 2016, 12:42:57 pm »

The nights still aren't great with one or two night waking.
I'm doing a 5 hour 10mins am A and have done for four days now. I'm only getting a 1hour 20 ish minute nap. She won't resettle (unless I feed her and I don't want to do this as I will be stopping bf soon).
When would you wake to sleep during that cycle? 1hour 10mins maybe?

thanks X

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: Help with 2:1 transition please
« Reply #77 on: June 18, 2016, 12:49:02 pm »
I'd try that...but if that doesn't work, I also still wonder if a further A time increase would help - maybe just 10mins more at first. 1hr20 is often a slightly UT nap for us.
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

Offline Mum2lucy

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Re: Help with 2:1 transition please
« Reply #78 on: June 21, 2016, 11:40:33 am »

I'm loosing the will with my lg and her sleeps. I can't get it right for her!

I thought I'd try and push the A out in the morning as on the way home from holiday, she did 2hours nap on the plane after a 6 hour 10mins Am A. Albeit I was there to shoogle her during the transitions.

Anyway I thought I'd try it out and see but the past two days, I've been giving her food before her nap and she's got really sleepy in the high chair.

The days looked like:

Nw: 4.00am (fed)
Wu: 7.15
E 8.15
S 12.22 - 13.54 (was sleepy in high chair at about 12.10. woke at 47 mins, shhh and back to sleep)
Bt 18.30

Nw 4.45
Wu: 6.23
E: 7.30
S 11.09- 12.29 (sleepy in high chair about 11, woke crying at 1hr 20)

So it seems she is going back in A time not forward? I know they can get used to going to sleep at a certain time and you need to push them gently through it but getting sleepy in a high chair is so unlike her

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: Help with 2:1 transition please
« Reply #79 on: June 21, 2016, 20:40:27 pm »
Hugs, the 2-1 is tricky, getting frustrated with it is very understandable. Don't be too hard on yourself, you're doing your best to follow her cues. I'm wondering why she's more tired than normal?

How was her sleep on holiday and was there a time difference? Just wondering if she might be catching up from being away (& that mega long A time on the plane) and that's why she's tired?
Or any chance she might be getting ill? (I only ask because my DD had a virus last wk and was falling asleep in her highchair, also unlike her)
Or any developmental stuff going on that could be tiring her?
I also see she's waking for a feed when she was sleeping through before? Could the night waking be making her more tired in the day?

I wonder whether she needs to hold the 5hrs A until she catches up on sleep?
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

Offline Mum2lucy

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Re: Help with 2:1 transition please
« Reply #80 on: June 22, 2016, 07:34:46 am »
She is getting two molars in but other than that I don't think she's getting ill. I give her ibruprofen before bedtime just now.

She was sleeping through but for about 2 weeks now I'm getting a nw between 4am - 5.30am. It's Roughly waking 10hours 15mins after bedtime. I can't get her back to sleep without feeding her. If I feed her, put her back in and leave she'll go back to sleep but if not, she just cries! it's not great when I want to finish bf soon.

Her sleep on holiday wasn't good by her standards. The nw as above and sometimes another one. I was able to stick to her routine roughly as I was staying at a family members house but she was only having one nap which wasn't long enough (usually 1 hour 20mins or 1.5 hours).

I tried w2sleep yesterday but it didn't work but will keep trying. I'll aim for 5 hours morning A and see what that brings.

I've changed my bedtime routine so milk isn't the last thing. She went down fine with it last night but it was the first night of it 

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: Help with 2:1 transition please
« Reply #81 on: June 22, 2016, 14:13:20 pm »
Sounds like she's got a lot going on...& approaching her first birthday too I think? There is a developmental leap around that time that can also throw them off. Maybe see how she does for next few days?
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

Offline amanda55

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Re: Help with 2:1 transition please
« Reply #82 on: June 23, 2016, 20:57:53 pm »
Hello, I've just read the whole thread and i'm having the same problems, hoping to see what happens with the one nap, I tried it the other day but DS did 30mins then woke crying, gave dummy, another 30mins then crying and wouldn't go back, that was it for the day the back at work so grandparents had him and they stuck to two naps, usually has about 1hr 45-2hrs a day and nights are now short as started waking early and we have got into bad habit last 2 weeks of giving dummy when wakes bout 5:30 and leave him till 7 (presume he goes back for 30 mins at some point as quiet with dummy [we got rid of his dummy at 6months]) he wakes my just turned 3yr old though and I am struggling with sleep so don't want to start the day that early that's why we've caved and given dummy back!! He is 12.5 months old.
DD 21/05/2013
DS 18/05/2015

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: Help with 2:1 transition please
« Reply #83 on: June 24, 2016, 13:10:14 pm »
Hi Amanda

The 2-1 is very tricky- as you'll have seen in this thread. If you'd like some support with it, please start a thread in Sleeping for Toddlers, now your LO is over 1yr.

Good luck xxx
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

Offline Mum2lucy

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Re: Help with 2:1 transition please
« Reply #84 on: June 24, 2016, 17:33:19 pm »
It's driving me mad!

Yesterday was:

Nw 5.35 fed
Wu: 8.05
S 13.05 - 14.35
Bt 18.50 (wouldn't ss, had to shhhhhh)

Today was:

Nw: 6.05 (fed as woke crying so obviously still tired)
Wu: 6.45 (think she dosed off again for 30mins)
E: 7.45
S 11.22 - 12.45 (wouldn't go back to sleep)
E 13.00
A (during this time I tried the car and pram for a catnap but nope!)
Bt 18.20 (wouldn't ss, had to give dummy which I hate)

I tried for 18.00 bt but it took me 20mins to get her off.

Any thoughts on her days scottishmummy before I move my thread to toddler sleep as it was her birthday yesterday

Thanks x

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: Help with 2:1 transition please
« Reply #85 on: June 24, 2016, 18:55:43 pm »
Still getting inconsistent nap times, wake ups and BT?  It looks like the 1.5hr nap length is consistent though?

Only other thing I can think of is to continue to try to wean off the night feed & set a time for first feed so she's getting a full night sleep & a consistent first feed and if that doesn't regulate WU time, then you might want to consider set naps- have a read of this link:

Set naps for toddlers: Why, How and When

Happy birthday to your DD, congratulations on surviving the first year!
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

Offline Mum2lucy

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Re: Help with 2:1 transition please
« Reply #86 on: June 24, 2016, 21:40:28 pm »
You are right. nothing is consistent except the 1hr 20 - 1.5 hour nap.
If I wean that night feed she'll wake at 5.30 and I can't get her back to sleep? Least it would be consistent haha!

Thanks for the birthday wishes for her.... Survived the first year....just  ;) ;D

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: Help with 2:1 transition please
« Reply #87 on: June 25, 2016, 05:18:15 am »
Hmmm a regular 5.30 wake up isn't fun (DD is queen of EW at the moment) but the hope would be that if you wean the NF, set a new later time for first feed (?6.30 with a 5.30 wu?) and push first A time longer on EW mornings/set the nap at 11.30/12ish eventually she might start waking later? That's the theory and hope anyway! Good luck with the rest of the transition, maybe someone in TS can help more?
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

Offline Mum2lucy

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Re: Help with 2:1 transition please
« Reply #88 on: June 25, 2016, 06:05:30 am »
Babies are funny things aren't they?!?
Bt of 6.20 last night, she woke at 5.05 but went back to sleep without me going in and gas woken at 6.55  ;D ;D ;D
A good night! About 13.5 hours total sleep for the 24hrs which is good for her too.

Thanks so much for your help... Off to TS forum I go. xx

Ps. Hope your ew stops too!