Hi everyone,
My 8mo has been EBF until he started solids. We had a rough start because he was tongue-tied and a preemie, but we got off the supplements quickly and have been going strong. But lately he's been very easily distracted, bobbing on and off of the breast, and seems to get fussy near the end of a nursing session - squirming and grunting, or he starts babbling with my nipple still in his mouth (OUCH!). He also doesn't nurse as often - I work from home so I can usually nurse on demand, but when I have to go to a meeting or something I don't have a chance to pump (he won't take bottles anyway so my pumped milk goes to waste). I used to be able to pump about 4 ounces when in place of a feeding, now I only get around 3.
He just doesn't spend much time at the boob anymore. He likes to snack, but will just take a little before getting distracted. If he had his way, I'd basically walk around with my boobs out so he can take little sips once in awhile between activities
I'm worried it's affecting my supply.
He eats once when he wakes up, a pretty good feed; a top-off before his first nap; again when he wakes up (usually a shorter feed); a snack before his next nap; then maybe twice more before bedtime (with a catnap thrown in there somewhere). Really only around 3 good feeds with short ones otherwise. Is this normal? Is he getting enough?
He hasn't had a weight check in awhile but has an appointment coming up in a couple weeks.