Hi there,
I am wondering if anyone can help me please - my daughter is 8 months old, last weighed a month ago at 17lbs but has always been in the same percentile (around 75th). She was exclusively breastfed until 7 months but is now bottle fed. She has been on a 4 hour eating pattern since 4 months but now we are on solids so fed a bit more regularly.
I have always struggled to get her to nap longer than 30 minutes but if I am totally honest, I have been quite relaxed about it because she is a 7pm-7am sleeper (sometimes 7.30am). I have done the baby quiz is she is a strong Angel baby - very relaxed and chilled out, despite the lack of daytime napping. However happy she is, the lack of day time napping means she does sometimes look tired (although always smiling) and I know she isn't getting enough sleep in the day and I feel it can't be good for her development.
A very typical day for us (regardless of whether all naps are in cot or not) is...(I always make sure at least one nap a day is in cot)
07:00 wake
07:30 6-8oz milk, some porridge and fruit
09:15 nap - 30 minutes (always in cot)
11:30 lunch (protein, carb, veg - approx 6-8 tablespoons) and fruit or rice cake if still appears hungry
11:50 offer milk (sometimes takes nothing, sometimes takes up to 6oz)
12:00 nap - 30 minutes (sometimes cot, sometimes pram)
15:00 6oz milk if nothing taken at 11.30, 2-4oz otherwise
16:00 nap - 30 minutes (in cot if lunch nap was in pram, sometimes in pram if lunch was in cot)
17:00 tea (veg and carb - approx 6 tablespoons or finger food)
18:00 bathtime
18:20 storytime
18:30 8oz milk
18:40 in cot awake
19:00 most always asleep by 7pm, sometimes slightly earlier or later depending on day.
I have tried so hard to do EASY but when her naps are only 30 minutes it doesn't really make sense for me to give her more food after a 30 minute nap and in any case she would refuse it because she isn't hungry. This results me in trying to "top her up" before 2nd nap in the hope that it will make her nap longer! But it rarely works.
The last two days however, there has been an improvement and I can only think that it is because she is on the brink of crawling so using up more energy when she is playing after breakfast. The last two days have looked like this
07:00 wake
07:30 6-8oz milk, some porridge and fruit
09:15 nap - 1h 15 mins (day 1), 1hr 35 mins (day 2) (both days in cot)
12:00 lunch (protein, carb, veg - approx 6-8 tablespoons) and fruit or rice cake if still appears hungry
14:30 6oz milk
15:00 nap - 45 mins (day 1), 35 mins (day 2) (both days in pram)
16:30 nap - 30 mins (day 1), 0 mins (day 2) (both in cot, she didn't want the final nap day 2)
17:00 tea (veg and carb - approx 6 tablespoons or finger food)
18:00 bathtime
18:20 storytime
18:30 8oz milk
18:40 in cot awake
19:00 asleep
Can anyone give any help or suggestions of how to lengthen the napping, particularly tips for napping in a pram?!
My sense is that perhaps the naps in the prams are not helping but there are some instances when we are out and its unavoidable (I have a lot of hospital appointments). Secondly, we do baby classes which means we are often out when she is due a nap. I don't want her to miss out on social activities because I need to remain close to the house to be in her cot.
Tomorrow I can put her down in her cot at 9:15 and if she sleeps I will have to wake her early to have lunch and get to baby class for 1130. My plan was to try and get her to have a long nap in pram so we can walk there but I doubt she will do it. Friday we have another baby class at 10am and then we need to head straight to a hospital appointment and so won't be home until 1/130pm - if I am lucky she will have had two 30 minutes naps (but often only 1 because of the hospital appointment) and by the time we are home she is very overtired and then could easily sleep 2 hours at 3pm but this is quite late in the day for a long nap.
Short of cancelling all social activities, what can I do?! Help please!!
Thanks so much