Hi all we are having some serious issues and wondering if there is any way to help.
My lo is 4.5 months old (5 months on the 29th) she has silent reflux and is on omeprazole 10mg and gaviscon.
She has never been the best sleeper, always needs held or rocked to sleep as for the first 6 weeks she slept upright on me. She sleeping in a crib tilted at one end and is still swaddled.
About 3 weeks ago she fell into her own routine feeding 4 hourly (7, 11, 3, 7) and a dream feed at 10pm and sleeping through the night weakening up fussy at 6/6.30 am. This lasted for 9 days and then it all turned.
She is still feeding the same during the day but has started weakening up at night. She starts thrashing about and whimpering/ moaning and then gets out her swaddle. When she gets her arms free she wakes herself up. I have been lifting her and putting her next to me on bed and having to hold her dummy in as she can't keep it in herself. She is continuously unsettled, every time the dummy falls out she starts thrashing about again and wakes again. I am at my wits end, I am probably getting about 4-5 hours broken sleep a night and my mental health is really suffering.
The health visitor yesterday told me I need to stop swaddling as she can almost roll over, I have no idea how she's going to sleep now! I tried a sleeping bag one night two weeks ago and she didn't sleep at all. The wonderful health visitor also told me I need to let her fall asleep on her own, my first did that and it would be wonderful but I don't see it happening.
If anyone could please offer any help I would be more than grateful.