Hi, mine also did not take a dream feed. Different approach to MJ&N, I did the feed at the dream feed time but he was awake for it. Mine was on 3hrly feeds at that age so I did the BT feed around 7pm and another feed at 10/10.30pm then his long sleep came after the 10.30pm feed rather than from the 7pm feed. I liked his feed coming at 10.30 ish as I went to bed after this and got the longest stretch of sleep possible. It didn't bother me that he woke for it, he went straight back down after.
As for sleeping through, the official number of hours for "sleeping through" is something like 5hrs straight without a feed, mine was doing so at around this age or a bit younger but it still means another feed at about 3.30am ish.
I agree totally with MJ&N that getting a full night is quite some time off. They need at least one if not two night feeds until at least 6 months and even after that might not do 12 hrs over night. Mine didn't do a 12 hr night consistently until he was 2.5yo and had dropped his naps. Up until then his nights were more like 10.5 or maybe 11hr.