Author Topic: 6mo 2-3 night feedings and extra wakings  (Read 4730 times)

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Re: 6mo 2-3 night feedings and extra wakings
« Reply #15 on: July 18, 2016, 16:34:39 pm »
How's his EASY? How's the new A times?

How is he going down at BT? Is he OT?

Sorry it's back!! Have you tried feeding? I do know when mine wakes up mad and won't resettle easy at night, it's hunger. There is a growth spurt during this time! is he getting a full feed at BT or during the day?

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Re: 6mo 2-3 night feedings and extra wakings
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2016, 15:19:10 pm »
Thanks for your reply!
Maybe I should have opened a new topic, the title can be a bit misleading because he's almost 8mo now!

As you recommended we're trying 3h15 A time, although the result varies, sometimes he stays awake longer. But in general he's going to sleep much more easily, now we just put our hand on his back and shhh (both for naps and BT). Some days he fights more than others, but he's not OT at night.

At his first night waking, I try to soothe him with water or my hand, and if everything fails I feed him and that always works. I don't know if it's hunger or learnt hunger, because sometimes he eats very little and sometimes he eats more.

Here are his last days:

WU 8:50
E nurse 9:05, solids 10:20
A 3H35
S 12:25-1:55 (1H30)
E nurse 2:10, solids 3:30
A 3H30
E nurse 4:45
S 5:25-5:55 (30M)
E solids 7:15, nurse 8:15
A 3H35
BT 9:30

E 1:15 (1 breast), E 5:00 (both breasts)

WU 8:00
E nurse 9:00, solids 10:20
A 3H15
S 11:15-1:25 (2H10)
E  nurse1:30, solids 2:30
A 3H40
E nurse 4:25
S 5:05-6:20 (1H15)
E solids 7:20, nurse 8:10
A 3H10
BT 9:30

00:10 (just water), E 3:00 (both breasts)

WU 7:00
E nurse 8:30, solids 10:00
A 3H45
S 10:45-11:55 (1h10)
E nurse 1:25, solids 2:30
A 3H45
S 3:40-5:25 (1H45)
E nurse 5:40, solids 7:20, nurse 8:30
A 3H10
BT 9:15

E 11:30 (both breasts), E 4:30 (both)

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Re: 6mo 2-3 night feedings and extra wakings
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2016, 18:15:43 pm »
Last night at the first waking DH tried with his hand on DS's back and it didn't work, so he gave him water and rocked him and he went back to sleep, and then he only ate once (at 4am), although he woke up too early. I'm worried that it takes rocking again and we go back several steps  :(

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Re: 6mo 2-3 night feedings and extra wakings
« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2016, 18:22:41 pm »
I'll try w2s again tonight but my question remains if I should do it several times since he seems to wake up an hour later than his habitual waking time. For example at 11pm, 12pm, 1am, 2am, 3am so that he wakes up at 4am? Am I crazy? haha

Offline FPT23

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Re: 6mo 2-3 night feedings and extra wakings
« Reply #19 on: July 21, 2016, 18:38:46 pm »
Hi! I'm so sorry I haven't had the time to respond but I'm bumping and hopes another mom can help! I'm running by quickly but have to feed the babies ;)

I'll be back to review more in depth again!

From a quick glance to your question on ur last post: habitual waking is if and when they wake at the almost exact time every single night. If that's not you then it can be another cause.

For now let me leave you with this reference and you can look over it quickly! I'll be back soon to look over your posts! I apologize! Hugs! :)

How do I address habitual wakings? (wake-to-sleep and other methods)

Be back shortly to help you better! :D

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Re: 6mo 2-3 night feedings and extra wakings
« Reply #20 on: July 24, 2016, 15:01:09 pm »
Well, I guess it wasn't habitual because this last 2 days he didn't wake up and I didn't do anything! He's teething so that may have been one of the reasons. Last night he only woke up once to eat. We'll enjoy this peace and quiet while it lasts!!! haha

Thanks for your help ;)

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Re: 6mo 2-3 night feedings and extra wakings
« Reply #21 on: July 24, 2016, 15:44:18 pm »
Oh my so sorry! I've been a bit all over the place but I'm super glad the storm has passed ;)

Anything else please come back :) always here to lend a helping hand! Vent away if need be too :)


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Re: 6mo 2-3 night feedings and extra wakings
« Reply #22 on: August 02, 2016, 10:52:08 am »
Hello again!! We got 3 good nights and the dreaded midnight waking is back  :(

He's 8mo, and I know for sure that he's teething, but yesterday I gave him tylenol and he still woke up crying. He went back to sleep after drinking some water and holding him, and then woke up again at 2:20 and 5 and only the breast worked. This has been going on for some days. Before, just laying a hand on him worked for some days for those wakings that were not due to hunger. Some days ago I did w2s and he lasted until 2am.

Do you think it's habitual? I'm still confused, it's not exactly the same time every night but more or less yes, and it disappeared by itself during those 3 nights (no w2s) and now it's back again. And it appears as if w2s worked the other night although he still woke up crying at 2am (I fed him), and when it's hunger he usually doesn't wake up crying.

Apart from that, our routine hasn't really changed since I last posted our EASY. The only thing is that now he's crawling and pulling up so we always try to get him very tired before naps and bedtime, or else he just wants to practice pulling up in the crib  ::) When he's really tired he goes to sleep independently, the other times there's a lot of crying involved.

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Re: 6mo 2-3 night feedings and extra wakings
« Reply #23 on: August 02, 2016, 20:56:19 pm »
I forgot to mention that I think he's also going through a growth spurt because the last couple of days I've been running low on milk :(

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Re: 6mo 2-3 night feedings and extra wakings
« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2016, 03:56:13 am »
Boooo I hate when the supply isn't there for the growth spurt :( hang in there.

Have you tried pushing his A times a bit? He might need an increase.

If you've tried medicating and that's not helping then just feed if you feel that's what's going on and it will pass.

Habitual is at the same time every single night. From what you've written it's not habitual.

Many hugs :)

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Re: 6mo 2-3 night feedings and extra wakings
« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2016, 11:23:09 am »
We're at around 3h40 A time, I think that's more or less what works with him (generally speaking, a lot depends on how much activity he's had).

Yesterday I did w2s and he lasted until 3:15am, I fed him, and then he woke up at 6am and I just gave him water and held him for a bit. This is why I'm confused, if it's not habitual w2s shouldn't work, right? And aren't habitual wakings supposed to go away after a few nights of w2s and not come back?  ???

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Re: 6mo 2-3 night feedings and extra wakings
« Reply #26 on: August 05, 2016, 15:42:43 pm »
I've also done w2s the last 2 nights, the 1st one it didn't work and the 2nd one it worked  ???

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Re: 6mo 2-3 night feedings and extra wakings
« Reply #27 on: August 05, 2016, 20:15:26 pm »
I don't think he is habitually waking. Here is the link on how habitual waking is and how to address it:

How do I address habitual wakings? (wake-to-sleep and other methods)

I also want to address (based on your EASY when you first posted) you may want to look at typical day sleep for your LOs age. Here's the link as well:

How do I address habitual wakings? (wake-to-sleep and other methods)

...I noticed that some days he's having A LOT of day sleep. I saw days when he would nap 2hrs then another 1.5 nap then another CN for 25 mins... Etc. I think what's going on here is he is UT and that's why he is waking at night. I would try to keep naps at 1.5 MAX.

BUT, now your telling me your LO is at 3.40 A time. That is a lot for a 6mo... Even beginning into 7mths. Here's another resource worth keeping and looking into for average A times:

Average A times- BOOKMARK ME!

He's prob in an OT/UT loop... You need to fix his daytime routine a bit more. For the next 3 days if you can please write down his EASY and see where you are now. That way I can have a better idea. I was going off your EASY from before.

At 6mths his routine should MORE or LESS look like this:

E 7am
E solids (if on them)
S 9:45 or 10am asleep nap.

E 11:15/11:30 am
E solids
S 1:45/2pm asleep nap.

E 3:15/3:30 pm

BT: (preferably bedtime) asleep by 6:00/6:15 pm (but since this is a tricky stage of 3-2, some moms still need or use the CN as everyday won't be the same. The CN sometimes is already rejected by the LO and has to be AP, like nursing to sleep or stroller/car ride. It should not last more than 20/30 mins. At this age it can be more of an issue too. Its simply trial and error)

This is just an example. All babies are different. Some can handle less A times and some more. But your goal more or less should be around 3hrs by 6mths, more or less.

Hope this helps. Keep in mind it is not an over night fix but a gradual approach to bettering his routine and NWs :) ....he will seem OT at times or grumpy and that's ok- he's adjusting slowly, rather than do it all at once and he's a mess entirely.

Many hugs xo! Keep us posted :)
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 20:20:27 pm by FPT23 »

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Re: 6mo 2-3 night feedings and extra wakings
« Reply #28 on: August 06, 2016, 20:34:27 pm »
Hi, thanks for all the info! But he's 8mo as I said when I posted again on August 2nd, I shouldn't have used the same post as the last time because the title is misleading, I'm so sorry because you took the trouble to write all that!!  :-[ Next time I'll open a new post ;)
 I'll keep doing w2s just in case, even if I get mixed results. If you have any other ideas please let me know!  :)

Offline FPT23

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Re: 6mo 2-3 night feedings and extra wakings
« Reply #29 on: August 07, 2016, 20:28:40 pm »
ah ok I apologize! ;) I respond to several posts and I forget and don't go way back and just review the new posts as they come to ty and help :)

None the less- if THATS the case and LO is 8 months, DEFINIELY too much day sleep. At that age it's 2 naps a day. Please look over those links as they are great resources! I go back to them myself. :) but that is off that last EASY posted.

Well good luck with w2s then! :) keep us posted
