Author Topic: TV over 2yo - what do you think?  (Read 5190 times)

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TV over 2yo - what do you think?
« on: May 23, 2016, 10:59:43 am »
I just would like to hear your opinions however it's worth mention that I am rather positive about TV and want to incorporate in DS life somehow. I thought of 10min of TV every day/every couple of days. I planned to do it in the mornings when he is fresh, so not to OS him. We play a YouTube films to him right now on occasional basis like traveling car for hours or when doing inhalations when he is ill. I thought about Thomas and Friends as he loves trains and has started to like this show recently. He is still a toddler but I guess I like the message which is coming from this series, trains are kind to each other, usually helpful, they show simple problems or bad behaviors and show them as not appropriate but also they are not very judgemental. However I don't think he understands the plot yet...:).
Another idea I have are Little Einsteins. This one is more interactive, main characters can ask children to say something. Seems to be more educational but the episodes are longer and I am have doubts if it's not too much "education". Design seems to be simpler. It also has classical music incorporated which I like.

Any comments how you handle TV at that age? I would appreciate opinions from people who won't judge me for considering it. I know some of you may not expose your children to  any TV  - and I respect that decision. But here would rather like to talk to mothers who thought about it and decided or not because of some reasons. Any other shows you can recommend for children that age as simple but educational?

Thank you so much for listening and your advice, comments.

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Re: TV over 2yo - what do you think?
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2016, 11:43:55 am »
Hey Marta :)

I'm also reasonably positive about TV, I don't personally feel it is the 'big evil' that some make it out to be, though I do respect and understand the position of those who choose not to expose their children to it early on.  My feeling is that TV is part of life, I watch it sometimes as does DH (though neither of us are massive TV fans) and so for my children I don't want it to be a forbidden mystery.  Had a school friend that never had TV at home and literally all she ever wanted to do at anyone else's house was watch Neighbours!!  My kids are both very active, DD especially, and do plenty of other activities, get outdoors, love books and stories etc.  So for them TV is sometimes a good way to chill and unwind after a busy day or to give me 10 minutes peace to cook dinner ::)  We have 'rules' loosely about when and how much they can watch.  So its a bit of treat at the weekend here to watch a few cartoons first thing in the morning when they get up.  And in the week it's after dinner or when they get home from nursery.  The rest of the day is playtime.  I'm not so choosy about what they watch in terms of whether it is 'educational' or not (though obviously I check what they watch!  Mainly CBeebies ;) ) but some favourites here are Mike the Knight (usually some sort of moral), Octonauts (kind of a nature/sea theme with animals) and classics like Postman Pat and Thomas.  Overstimulation can be an issue for some kids, but for mine I actually find it is a nice way to relax :)

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Re: TV over 2yo - what do you think?
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2016, 13:44:55 pm »
At that age I'd often use TV as a way to get DS to sit still for a bit after eating! He had (I think still has) silent reflux, so it was important to let his food go down and not allow him to bounce around and make the acid worse  :o

He's always been happy to switch the TV off when he's had enough, so it certainly hasn't done any harm  ;D

As for what to watch, we have stuck to CBeebies only as I don't want him to watch any advertisements.

Like us, kids have their own preferences for programmes, so by all means let him see a variety and you'll soon know what he likes  :)

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Re: TV over 2yo - what do you think?
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2016, 14:03:12 pm »
TV is relaxing to my kids - they are all spirited and TV is one way to veg out. We have one TV connected to our satellite dish and one that is just hooked to a DVD player that mostly DD3 uses now. DH loves sports and reality shows so in our house the TV is generally on as constant background. I actually don't watch TV much lol.

At that age my older two enjoyed Dora/Diego, Little Einsteins, Baby Einstein and Thomas. We didn't have kids channels, just DVD's. DD3 has weird taste in TV probably because of older siblings - she goes more for actual movies (lol like a remake of Parent Trap from the 80's!) and shows like Holly Hobbie.  I don't like advertising either so mostly we do DVD's or PVR. Until DD1 discovered youtube that is!


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Re: TV over 2yo - what do you think?
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2016, 14:07:02 pm »
The TV is always on in our home. :P It`s always been like that. It`s part of the family :) But we don't watch it much, and especially not DD.
I don't know how to sit in quite, although DD is loud enough,  but the buzz noise of the TV is always in the background.

So it`s not a surprise that I too, don't see it as the "big evil"  :D She watches Baby TV from time to time, and mostly the songs, same with watching things on youtobe, she watches Pepa Pig and Masha and the bear sometimes, but most of the time it`s music.
Tbh, we are more out than at home so when she asks to watch something we let her.

I watched a lot of TV when I was a kid, around age 8 I was in front of the TV a lot of the time. But I was also out a lot of the time, playing games, sports...The bed thing is I was sitting too close to the TV so my eyesight was affected, but I learned English and Spanish :D

I think that when it`s controlled and limited it`s ok.

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Re: TV over 2yo - what do you think?
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2016, 16:13:25 pm »
We started with the Baby Einstein's videos and moved from there.  DD2 (who was 3 in march) likes to watch Bubble Guppies and Team Umizoomi and Paw Patrol.  When DD1 was little she preferred Thomas the Train, Jacks Big Music Show, Yo Gabba Gabba (which I never understood)  Most of the time we use TV like Heidi does to get my spirited girls to chill out although they seem to have now gravitated more towards Kids youtube on the ipad as their chill out activity now. 

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Re: TV over 2yo - what do you think?
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2016, 16:24:31 pm »
Uhhh, when I re-read my post I hope that I haven't sound judemental to people whose children watch TV more, LOL - as that was not my goal:))).

I guess TV can be relaxing for many kiddos, in many sleep training books I read when a child drop his nap, they can have quite time in front of the TV (or book if they are old enough). My son is definitely resting when watching TV so agree with you all.

I guess we try no to have TV background during day when DS is awake, but it happens during weekends and when we are at my parents - and it still can be ok of for him. Last weekend DH watched Transformers and had a great idea that showing "transformation" from car to a robot will be exciting for DS and he tried to show him that - in effect poor baby got frightened ::) ::) ::).

We also have lots of activities, so I don't feel guilty about TV. But are you using any "limit" time that age if they cannot control themselves?

What I see here is:
- Dora/Diego
- Little Einsteins
- Baby Einstein (thought it is the same as above LOL)
- Thomas
- Peppa Pig
- Octonaus
- Mike the Knigts
- Postman Pat
- Masha and the Bear
- Bubble Guppies
- Team Umizoomi
- Paw Patrol
- Jacks Big Music Show
- Yo Gabba Gabba (what a name LOL)
Will try to google/youtube them as that's a good point that he may like other things than Thomas:))). Being honest Thomas really seems to be exciting for him as when I turn on some baby TV he usually says "other one I want"... ::) and nothing really satisfy him much...

Btw American Academy of Paediatrics recently changed their recos from quite stricted to much more relaxed as they say as Katherine says, that TV is part of our world today and you cannot forbid them TV as they will still have it somewhere else. They also admit that it can have some benefits I guess. I also read an article that PC games (for teenagers) can have beneficial influence on the youth - of course if used with limits.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2016, 16:26:47 pm by Martini~ »

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Re: TV over 2yo - what do you think?
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2016, 17:49:43 pm »
Before I had DS I had 'heard' that TV shouldn't be shown to under 2yos... and when i had DS took absolutely no notice of it at all.

As for time limits, there are none here, DS has watched *at least* 20 mins of TV since he was a tiny baby but this is not a maximum limit at all. His BT hour started with a very gentle programme called Waybuloo which was 20 mins long. Basically he went in the travel cot and watched the TV through the mesh side, whilst I had 20 mins to prepare bottle, bath, pjs and nappy, all his meds etc.  There were times I felt people might think I was wrong to do so, but, shrug, it's what I did.  I recorded a zillion episodes of that programme so that when they stopped airing it on TV I could show the recordings and our BT routine was intact...and a little sneaky of me, if he needed EBT i could start BT hour whenever I liked with the recording and he totally understood and started to chill out for bed.
Otherwise he has watched TV when he needed to relax after a busty toddler group or a hectic day of playing at the play park etc.

Whilst we have never had time limits and there have been days he's watch lots and lots, there are other days all he watches in that 20 mins before his bath time.  Once in a while he might watch a full movie and then ask if he can watch another and I will be more likely to say that I think that's prob enough for now and suggest a few other activities instead.

WRT programmes, mostly Cbeebies, it can be trusted, no adverts and everything is suitable for LOs.  Beyond that I am cautious of other programmes and kids movies and those I htink are too grown up I just say he can watch another year when he is older, he loves movies. I personally don't feel that TV need to be all educational for the matter of how does one determine educational?  The ability to focus and sustain focus on a task (such as a full length movie) could be considered a skill worth despoiling, the story arc , messages, metaphors etc may also be worth a thought.  Being able to discuss after the movie (in simple terms then later more complex) adds to comprehension and can open topics of conversation which might otherwise not have  been brought up.  Movies or TV shows can also be an "in" to reading because they recognise characters and are interested in those books. octonaughts have a great set of books for instance which have story and facts included.

DS liked most of the Cbeebies stuff, alphablocks, numberjacks, numtums, chuggington... loads.
he was also something of a Youtube addict when he was little for a phase, he couldn't get enough of these train animations, number train, letters train, shapes train, fruit train, colours train... now that I did begin to limit as it was getting crazy, but the TV he mostly self limits.

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Re: TV over 2yo - what do you think?
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2016, 18:31:35 pm »
Thanks Creations for that point of view. That's a valid point that "education" doesn't have to be everywhere. Which makes me believe more in stories like Thomas where you have a polt (even I am interested in the ending:P, LOL), then in Einsteins which are nice and appropriate, but without an interesting plot.

It's also good to hear about a TV being part of his BT routine and not messing with his settling skills. Mostly because I would prefer to air any episodes in the afternoon/evening to DS when he is OT/OS after nursery as a way for him to calm down instead of in the mornings when he is full of energy - so maybe I shouldn't be so afraid of the evening time.

Have to investigate Cbeebies as I have many baby TVs here and I thought all of them are full of ads.

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Re: TV over 2yo - what do you think?
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2016, 18:44:22 pm »
I had to dash of to put DS to bed, and sorry my typing went crazy, just seeing some odd words in there lol
...was going to say WRT adverts, I didn't really want DS to see adverts, I think that's quite a common thing mainly because they are so full of rubbish toys, the reality of it is that as he got older he has/does watch channels with adverts and I kind of just accept that, but anything recorded he learned really early how to skip the ads using the 2 min fast forward button (just jumps 2 mins, he doesn't see the ads) and the other fast forward (shows the pics but faster) to get on with his programme.
The BT routine TV I was very happy with the calm programme he watched, when he was younger I wouldn't have wanted it to be a noisy or 'frantic' type programme.  When he got a bit older he wanted to watch "in the night garden" which tbh gave him a few nightmares and was not the relaxing sort of programme I wanted for BT hour, after one or two unsettled nights I said no way to that programme until he was older. These days he might watch Danger Mouse or Thunderbirds, or at times a David Attenborough nature programme.  They don't effect his sleep now but he's older.
I know too some people have a problem getting kids to get ready for nursery/school if they are allowed TV in the morning, it's never been a problem here, he doesn't watch every morning but if he asks I always say yes and he always comes to get ready at the right time.  It think in many ways we've been very lucky that he's had a healthy relationship with TV, he gets enjoyment, relaxation, information and education (loads of education even when you don't realise it) and it's not become an issue or cause for argument.

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Re: TV over 2yo - what do you think?
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2016, 18:49:02 pm »
My first baby was definitly not going to watch TV until after he was 2 - that didn't last long :P DD saw TV from an early age too as DS was around watching it.

My two only watched Cbeebies until DD started full time school really as like others have said there are no adverts and the content doesn't need looking at first for suitability. Gradually CBBC crept in which is for older children (5/6+) so I do keep an eye on that now but still no adverts on the BBC channels. We only have basic TV, so they watch CITV now as well which is the other UK main channel but we don't have Disney or any of the other American channels. CITV does have adverts which are aimed at the kids but the content of programmes is similar to CBBC.

We began to set limits when they got older and got harder to distract with toys ::) so now it's no TV before school, they watch after school on the days we are in but it goes off after tea. At the weekend they watch until after breakfast if they choose to and then it goes off until 4pm. I like that they can entertain themselves now on a weekend morning so we get a bit of a lie in ;D


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Re: TV over 2yo - what do you think?
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2016, 18:54:03 pm »
LOL:))) love your attitude. Will try to feel a bit less guilty when allowing 10min of Thomas here or there  ;D ;D.

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Re: TV over 2yo - what do you think?
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2016, 22:05:09 pm »
Yes the limits here have only started now that the older two need a good shove to bother doing other things if they get wrapped up in tv (DD1 had a meltdown this am because there was not a new episode of Master Chef last night ;) ). Winter time we are pretty lax though! My kids are voracious readers so that helps when it is time to let DH have a turn at the tv (but it is hilarious when people ask if he saw a certain sports game and he has to say no, was watching Sofia the First with DD3  ;D ).

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Re: TV over 2yo - what do you think?
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2016, 12:39:15 pm »
I'm my mind I limit TV to what I feel isn't too much but I don't have any hard and fast rules.

DD likes Let's Play which shows a man or lady going into an imaginary world to play a character like a caveman or Viking and learning about those topics through role play. The same man and lady dress up as all the characters. It's really sweet and DD loves it.
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Re: TV over 2yo - what do you think?
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2016, 13:44:47 pm »
Well I would say that my DS watches too much but DH differs on that :P IMO if a child starts to struggle to entertain themselves in other ways or always wants screen time above anything else, or it's robbing quality time then it's probably too much :-\ Otherwise, I'm quite happy with screen time in moderation :)

We don't have a TV, not quite a deliberate choice, just never got around to it and don't miss it, but we'll watch the odd thing on Amazon or Iplayer or a DVD. Our children have both done the same, starting with short videos on YouTube. So we have a couple more suggestions from our YouTube favourites - Super Simple Songs (there are hundreds of varying quality, animated songs, some more educational than others, some a bit dated now perhaps, I think I read somewhere they were produced for slightly older children learning English as a second language, but they've worked well for ours as toddlers - look out for Twinkle, twinkle and Snowflake); and Pocoyo (very simple animation about a toddler and his animal friends, narrated by Stephen Fry, who's quite funny and interacts with the characters, who have limited speech - that comes in other languages, I don't think it was originally in English but may be wrong).

I've found that music, and especially Super Simple Songs, can really calm DD when she's having a tantrum ;) At a similar age, it would help DS transition into awake time after his nap, especially when I had to start capping it and he was a bit grumpy to begin with. We do limit screen time at this age, even with DS, but their CM has the TV on much more, and that's fine with us really, it's only three days a week and they're not sat in front of it the whole time. Plus I don't have to worry about them missing things that friends are watching and feeling left out, because the chances are they'll see it there at some point and at least know what their friends are talking about :P