Author Topic: Where to go from here.  (Read 1657 times)

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Offline AZmom09

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Where to go from here.
« on: May 26, 2016, 16:58:00 pm »
My baby just turned 5 months. He is nursing as often as he was from day one, which is every 3 hours. Actually it is more like he nurses stops and rejects and then he plays a bit then he acts hungry again and I nurse him again and then he naps. Then he is up again and ready to eat since it is now 3 hours since the start of the first feed.
He went a little off the charts and my dr actually told me the other day to start solids. I always started my kids at 6 months, not 5. As it is my baby is very sensitive. If I eat any dairy or too much chocolate it bothers him and he is a mess for 24 hours.
Basically I am just unsure of myself. My others I only nursed 3 months and just getting to 3 months was rough. I have done EVERYTHING I can to make it work this time around. I am so glad he can nurse but since I am being told his weight should be more, I am nervous i'm not producing enough.
ALSO he nurses 40 mins each time. Just yesterday I had about 80ml of a bottle (under 3oz) that I had pumped and gave him that. He chugged it down within 5 minutes.
I only have a small medela pump and honestly I don't want to pump pump pump all day in order to get a larger milk supply. I already pretty much nurse on demand. I thought I had enough, but maybe not!
I really love nursing and pushed so hard to get it to work this time around, but the thought of him being hungry and not getting enough hurts me. He is very content between feeds, has lots of wet diapers, poop diaper is usually once a day. I'm kind of unsure where to go from here.
My other babies who were sensitive to dairy that took formula had to have a specific type that wouldnt hurt their tummy. So even if i did give some formula i'd have to find the right one that wont hurt him.
I dont know...
Any advice here? Do I start to give him food? Formula? Somehow get my milk supply up without spending hours pumping (I have 3 toddlers to take care of too...)?

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Where to go from here.
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2016, 17:45:46 pm »
He is very content between feeds, has lots of wet diapers, poop diaper is usually once a day.

This says to me that he is getting plenty! My last two kids loved having longer nursing sessions (I am sure some of it was comfort sucking) compared to my oldest who was a power feeder. They all had fairly similar growth patterns so it was just their preference not my milk.

Has he kept to his own growth curve? Are you &/or your DH smaller? Me and my DH are so having the kids be low in the percentiles was not ever an issue.

Bottles can be so much less work for a baby (depending on the style & flow of the bottle) that I would not compare how fast he drank the bottle to a proper bf session.

For solids the recs here are when they are able to sit up unassisted, lose the tongue thrust reflex and are interested in food! My kids all met those three by 5.5 months so we went ahead but generally speaking 6 months or later is when that happens. Plus with intolerances at play it is harder - mine were all mpi to varying degrees and had other allergies too.