Author Topic: I'm done and don't know what to do anymore  (Read 10529 times)

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Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: I'm done and don't know what to do anymore
« Reply #60 on: August 31, 2016, 09:54:49 am »
I have similar issue with my DD dozing on the BT feed if she's tired then being UT when we put her into her cot. To avoid this, I have to give her milk around 6.15 for a 7/7.30 BT- I.e. We do milk before her bath as first step in BT routine.
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

Offline Reethepea

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Re: I'm done and don't know what to do anymore
« Reply #61 on: August 31, 2016, 13:42:16 pm »
Thank you. We switched routine and gave her milk before starting bedtime routine. That worked well so we will continue. Thank you x
DD 1- Spirited- July 2012

DD 2- Angel/Touchy April 2016

Offline Reethepea

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Re: I'm done and don't know what to do anymore
« Reply #62 on: September 02, 2016, 09:24:41 am »
Aggghhhh dd2 is so grumpy and seems to be regressing on A time. We haven't even reached the next wonder week yet and I certainly haven't seen much of 'the sunnier side of my babies personality. Our easy has been all over the place. We were doing 3 hours of a time but I must of pushed her too hard as we had some major OT meltdowns so today I was going to try 2.45 however I have put her down at 2 hours as desperate for sleep. I know this will lead to a 45 min nap but I don't know what else to do.
So Wednesday night we had Nw from 12-2(fed at 1 when unable to resettle- 100mls taken)
Wu &6.15 but grumpy before I even got her out of her cot. I fed her and she resettled till
Wu 8.30
A 2hr 45
S 11.15-12.45
A- 2hrs 30
S15.15- 16.40

Just a note we had a relative look after dd2 yesterday whilst we took dd1 out for the day so a times are inconsistent as I told her to go with the flow.

Nf 4am
Wu 8
S10.15 ?

I'm sure she is teething but no signs yet. Using teething gel and Ashton and parsons. I'm not medicating as of yet as she hates medicine and forcing her to swallow it causes major meltdown.
Any encouraging words would be welcome.
DD 1- Spirited- July 2012

DD 2- Angel/Touchy April 2016

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: I'm done and don't know what to do anymore
« Reply #63 on: September 02, 2016, 13:07:15 pm »
I found my DD's A times went up & down a bit at this stage too..increase during the developmental leap, then we're shorter again between leaps

Sounds like you are observing her, listening to her and adapting to meet her needs. It's all you can do & it's fine & normal to change A times up & down as she need you too

The inconsistency is frustrating, I know, but you're doing a great job
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

Offline Reethepea

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Re: I'm done and don't know what to do anymore
« Reply #64 on: September 07, 2016, 14:28:34 pm »
Thank you for the support. Napping and night wakings are now all over the place.
We have had a 2 hour night waking after dream feeds and 2 further night wakings at 3 and 4 am. Up for the day at 6.30am.
I have had to put her A time up to 3 hours again as 2.45 was giving me 40min naps. It's tricky at the mo as dd1 is doing her half days in reception this week so napping has to fit in with the school run.

I think for a few days I will just watch her as unless she is compleatly exhausted at present  she is fighting sleep and short napping. My anxiety levels are high as she needs the day sleep in order for us all to sleep well at night but im struggling to find a solution as her A times are so high for her age I'm scared to up them more. We still haven't sorted the OT mess of 3-2 and I just don't want to make things worse. I will watch her for a few days and then post her easy if that's ok.

I'm sorry I just needed to share
DD 1- Spirited- July 2012

DD 2- Angel/Touchy April 2016

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: I'm done and don't know what to do anymore
« Reply #65 on: September 07, 2016, 19:48:30 pm »
Sounds like possible OT to me...more NWs and short naps. Yes observe for a bit, but could she need some shorter A times to catch up on sleep?

Could also be a developmental leap?

Is she on solids now? Just wondering whether any foods could be upsetting her/causing discomfort & therefore disrupting sleep?
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

Offline ireneasheard

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Re: I'm done and don't know what to do anymore
« Reply #66 on: September 08, 2016, 01:37:38 am »
My boy is the same age approximately - if you follow the Wonder Weeks it's definitely leap 5 which is a big one and night wakings etc are common. We are doing okay here but day sleep has been a bit inconsistent recently. We are just rolling with it. I'm not stressing out over a catnap instead of a sleep and trying to remain consistent. I.e. no night feeds, resettling if needed. There's a lot going on. Last Friday night my son had a meltdown due to overtired, I thought he'd slept longer but he must have laid in bed d bed and not gone back to sleep so in early evening he had a massive meltdown and wouldn't have feed before bed. This affected dreamfeed and then early waking at 5am due to hunger so I allowed 1 night feed, was a bit careful and kept it quiet next day and back to normal routine again. Being a bit flexible atm is helping a lot. I'll even get babe to nap in carrier etc and just follow his tired signs even if it means he doesn't make the 2 hours 45 minutes he "should" be making as he is making so many developmental discoveries atm.
DS 1: Textbook baby, February 2012. Kind and loving big brother to...
DS 2: Textbook (with a little touchy) baby, April 2016. My smallest and dearest bear.

Offline Reethepea

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Re: I'm done and don't know what to do anymore
« Reply #67 on: September 08, 2016, 04:57:16 am »
Thank you ladies. You have helped put it in perspective. To answer I have not yet started her on solids. I think she has started the wonder week. I always notice that she becomes quieter and more observant. She has achieved so much in the last few weeks. She can now sit unsupported for around 5 mins, she is doing stomach crunches in attempt to sit when she is on the changing mat or bouncy chair 😊.
She fought her morning nap when I put her down at the 2.45 min mark, fell asleep at 3 hrs for 45 mins.

Her afternoon nap(when I wrote this post) she woke at the 40 min mark but fell back asleep- so it was 2hrs, she was asleep for the night at 2.45 min a time. She slept well with 1 Nw at 4 am(1hr) then fell back asleep.

I really am trying to go with the flow but admit I do struggle x
DD 1- Spirited- July 2012

DD 2- Angel/Touchy April 2016

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: I'm done and don't know what to do anymore
« Reply #68 on: September 08, 2016, 18:27:18 pm »
Hugs, it is hard when they keep changing and confusing us! Then getting grumpy about it!

Sorry, I thought she was 6mo already but seeing your signature she's still under that. Sounds like 3-2 transition least she got a good amount of day sleep overall today. Fingers crossed for a good night too

"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

Offline ireneasheard

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Re: I'm done and don't know what to do anymore
« Reply #69 on: September 11, 2016, 01:06:07 am »
My boy just cut his first tooth. Explains his grumpiness and clinginess....
DS 1: Textbook baby, February 2012. Kind and loving big brother to...
DS 2: Textbook (with a little touchy) baby, April 2016. My smallest and dearest bear.

Offline Reethepea

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Re: I'm done and don't know what to do anymore
« Reply #70 on: September 11, 2016, 09:33:43 am »
Hi again ladies, so I have been observing my little one and this is my easy for the last few days.
Nw 4-5 chatty
Wu 6.30
S 8.45-9.45(fell asleep in pushchair on way back from school after 2.20 a time)
Df 10pm

Nw @3am for 45 mins very chatty
Wu 6.30
A2hrs 45
S 9.15-10
S 6pm
Nw @9pm
Df 9.30
Nw 11.30- resettled

Nw2.30 resettled with dummy
Nw 4-5 chatty
Wu 8am
S 10.30-11 in pushchair
S 12.30-3
S 6.15
Df 10

1 X Nw & 2.45-3.45 happy and high pitched screatching. Declined a feed and resettled independently.

I have let dd2 guide me with her a times but I can't seem to find a pattern. She went down for today's nap at 10am after 3hrs a time. Anything obvious??

P.s Irene exciting news about the tooth. It's such a relief when you can find a cause for their grumpyness 😊

DD 1- Spirited- July 2012

DD 2- Angel/Touchy April 2016

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: I'm done and don't know what to do anymore
« Reply #71 on: September 11, 2016, 20:14:31 pm »
Hi!  I know the timings vary a bit but your days look good to have a general pattern of a short morning nap and a long early afternoon nap. I think you're doing the right thing by following your DD's cues rather than worrying too much about exact A times as it seems to be getting her the sleep she needs. I remember my DS did a similar pattern at this age too.

I wonder if your NWs are developmental? It sounds like your DD is working on a lot of new skills right now.

"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

Offline Reethepea

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Re: I'm done and don't know what to do anymore
« Reply #72 on: September 11, 2016, 20:25:55 pm »
Thanks for your reply. How much day time sleep should I be aiming for. It usually falls between 2.5-3.5 hours. Obviously the 2.5 is at the lowest end x
DD 1- Spirited- July 2012

DD 2- Angel/Touchy April 2016

Offline ireneasheard

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Re: I'm done and don't know what to do anymore
« Reply #73 on: September 11, 2016, 20:53:39 pm »
I agree with ScottishMummy. The routine looks like shorter morning sleep and longer afternoon sleep. Following cues is pretty important and it looks like this is your child's natural sleep pattern. As for the NW... just keep being consistent and resettle. I'm sure it is developmental as I don't think there is too much day sleep happening there. Withthe NW are you resettling without a feed? I also see you've transitioned to 2 sleeps a day. If your child hasn't started solids it may be an additional bit of food is needed too during the day,you might need to go by feel as to if extra food is needed.  My boy is moving in the 3-2 transition and is taking 5 feeds and I notice you have 4 feeds a day only? Something to think about.
DS 1: Textbook baby, February 2012. Kind and loving big brother to...
DS 2: Textbook (with a little touchy) baby, April 2016. My smallest and dearest bear.

Offline Reethepea

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Re: I'm done and don't know what to do anymore
« Reply #74 on: September 12, 2016, 04:42:40 am »
Thank you it's good to look at different perspective. I try to avoid feeding on Nw's if I can as 9 time out of 10 she doesn't want it. We do 4 feeds plus the dream feed(this may not be clear in my log). She never finishes a bottle and isn't hungry for her morning bottle so I'm pretty sure she isn't hungry. what works for us is set feeds(give or take an hour) 7, 11, 3, 6 and dream feed.
DD 1- Spirited- July 2012

DD 2- Angel/Touchy April 2016