Believe me when I say I tried every "gentle", "no cry" method for my oldest before I did CC and they DID NOT WORK. I was sleep deprived and miserable and so was he, after CC for three nights (with me coming in every 5 min and talking to him through the door), he was going to sleep by himself and we were both happy. Same with my second. With my third I tried PU/PD for THREE WEEKS before throwing up my hands and trying CC, he was sleep trained in a NIGHT! So you'll have to excuse me if I prefer to save us both the misery and skip straight to the method that actually worked for me. I believe in BW, I try every time to get them into good habits but eventually life catches up with me I have to actually get things done instead of spending my entire day patting and shushing and rock my babies to sleep in the stroller for naps and at 6 months they learn to fall asleep by themselves. My babies are on EASY from birth, the only thing I do not do BW style is the pu/pd, which I've found doesn't work for me.
I appreciate your help!
Also, of course at this age they're still taking 2 night feeds, I'm not planning on cutting them out yet, but at 6 months I always cut down to 1 NF (the DF) and then around 7-8 months phased out the DF, I'm not sure how to phase out a feed that they wake up for.