I'm really struggling to figure this out! Ut/Ot loop?? or short napper? or not linking sleep cycles?? Activity time too short, too long??... AHH!!! 11 wk old, EBF, DD2
Wind Down: she's yawning, doesn't seem super tired (or perhaps a tiny bit cranky sometimes)... I swaddle, hold her til her eyes begin to shut, lay her down with paci. Usually she falls right to sleep on her own. Sometimes she does this weird head thrashing thing back and forth (after being quiet for 5 min "sleeping"), wakes up and then isn't sleeping for another 20 min. (sometimes I go in cuz I hear these burst sounds and she's lying WIDE AWAKE in her bed! after I just held her with droopy eyes 5-10 min prior!!) She has barely any struggle to go down for the night, no wakings until I dreamfeed her. Alternatively, sometimes she is crying so much just as a swaddle her for her nap and while I'm trying to hold her she is thrashing, so I just lay her down and she calms down... like she doesn't want to be held??? then wakes at 45 min! (I should say, it is sometimes 40 or 50 min depending).
Here's a couple days of example:
This day was the first in a long time I was able to get a nap longer than 45 min:
Day 1:
E (start of day): 8:20
S: 9:40 - 11:20
E: 11:20
A: until 11:45 I laid her down for, but didn't sleep for 15 min!
S: 12:57-1:36, picked her up and got her back to sleep in my arms 2:00-2:30
S: 4:05-5:00
E: 5:00
S: 6:45-7:15
E: 7:30
S: 8:50ish down for the night.
E: 10:30 dream feed. Eat again at 3 or 4am.
Day 2:
E (start of day): 8:47
S: 10:20-11:05, put her in my sling and took my toddler outside, slept again for 11:20-11:45
E: 11:45
S: 1:10-1:50
S: 3:45 - 4:30
E: 5:00
S: 6:30-7:00
E: 7:15
S: 8:45ish down for the night.
E: 10:30 dream feed. Eat again at 3 or 4am.
Day 3:
E (start of day): 8:26
S: 10-11
E: 11
S: 12:39-1:28, got her back to sleep in my arms until 2:00
S: 3:25-4:20, in my arms back to sleep 4:25-4:55
E: 5:00
S: 6:45-7:15
E: 7:30
S: 8:30 down for the night (this evening she cried A LOT before falling asleep)
E: 10:30 dream feed. Eat again at 3 or 4am.
Do I try W2S? Do i need to just ride it out and keep doing what I'm doing? I have a 2.8 year old so I don't have time to shh pat her for 20 min when she does her 45 min wake up, so that's why I end up holding her or popping her in my sling.
Thanks for your detective help! haha