My 15wo boy has been a lsn from almost day one.
Since he was around seven weeks he was catnapping in the day, but his night sleep was pretty good.
For quite a while he had been waking just once, or not even at all doing 8/10 hour stretches at night.
But about a week and a half ago that all ended and he has been waking a lot again at night, like a newborn!
He has had days where he is very cranky and is hard to entertain. He has made strange already whereas my older boy didn't make strange until about 4.5/5 months.
He has done a few longer naps in the day recently I've noticed which is unlike him, however this isn't every day.
I'm wondering if this is the four month sleep regression?
He has quite a long wake time, somewhere between 1.45 and 2.10 some times.