Hi! EWs are super rough! Hugs!
They can be developmental too. Have we ruled out possible discomfort such as teething?
I agree with Ginger. You need to try to get the nap as close as possible to 9am. It will take time pushing her a bit and she will be OT.... But that's part of it. You probably won't avoid it. She will be tired and act tired; but you just have to adjust her as best you can or you'll stay in the same cycle.
Typically once you push her morning nap- her next one should land around 1:30/2 assuming good A times for her age (Ginger provided the link) which is normally between 3-4hrs give or take.
I believe what Ginger meant about pushing her BT was b/c she had a nap of 1 hour between 4-5. If not then I am a big advocate of early bedtimes! They sleep more and helps catch them up from any OT. I would def EBT when possible for now.
I know she's grouchy and tired. It happens unfortunately
But it is the only way to adjust her....
Many hugs, EWs are the toughest and common! Hang in there and get extra sleep when possible
Hugs hugs hugs!