Author Topic: Easily over stimulated and overtired  (Read 1040 times)

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Easily over stimulated and overtired
« on: June 05, 2016, 09:45:03 am »
My little boy is 10 weeks and has always been a poor napper. If I manage to get him down in his moses basket (always dark room no noise) his naps only last one sleep cycle, often less, and it is impossible to re settle him there. The only way to get him to sleep longer so he doesn't become overtired is to hold him. During the day if out and about in the pram he is so nosey (he's been very alert since day 1) he doesn't sleep well then either, or in the car seat. I walked with him in the pram lightly covered with a dark blanket for two hours yesterday and he didn't sleep once! From 7am to 7pm yesterday hr must have only had two or three half hour naps. And then last night, I'm assuming because he was so overtired he was awake every hour at least, even when Co sleeping and being held. He often sleeps well at night but I'm assuming due to a build up of slept debt he has these really unsettled nights about once a week. He is breastfed, has reflux but takes gaviscon for that.

Any advice / ideas which don't mean I have to spend all day every day sitting in a dark room with him just to sleep?? I like to get out of the house everyday, and I'm worried as next week I have a baby sensory class starting and I think it might all be a bit too much for him! He does eventually catch up with very sleepy days where I have to wake him for feeds but I want to solve the underlying problem!

Offline Bella89

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Re: Easily over stimulated and overtired
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2016, 17:18:40 pm »
Welcome to BW forums:)

Hang in there honey. These few first months are very difficult on us and tiring. It will all pass soon. We can always just help them and do what we can.
I will move your post to general sleep issues, as I think it's more about sleep training and sleep issues more than naps themselves. I think you will find more appropriate advice in there.

Could you post your typical day in EASY format? I would like to see if it's the routine or something else bothering him.
I wouldn't try the pram anymore, as you see it's not working. Rather stay at home and limit everything that can distract him.

Have you ever try shush/pat method?

Offline weaver

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Re: Easily over stimulated and overtired
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2016, 18:58:52 pm »
I'm sure 10 weeks feels like forever by now ;) don't worry. 

It sounds like you already know what's up with your LO - he gets OS and OT really easily.  30 min naps are usually a flag of OT and reflux and poor sleep do often go together, unless and until the reflux goes away or is soothed medically.  My sensitive LO1 would not go in a pram anywhere for months on end, let alone sleep in it!  So my first advice to you is to get a good sling/baby carrier and use it. It'll save your sanity and his sleep.  If you're lucky, you'll have a sling library near you, or a good shop.  Holding him upright in the sling will also help with the reflux, if that's upsetting his sleep at all.  Very frequent wakings are often due to pain, so watch out for that, for both your sakes.
Best Baby Sling

You might want to start thinking about a few things like (1) a good wind-down so he's relaxed, and (2) a routine - typical A (activity/awake/eyes open to eyes shut) time at his age is around 1 hr 20 mins - you may find he will sleep better if he is awake long enough to be tired but not overtired.  My sensitive one went literally by the clock, he needed a solid routine and slept really well when that was observed.
What does a good wind down consist of (Includes 4S ritual)
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Because this is a Baby Whisperer forum we recommend using the EASY approach to structure your day.  Have you heard or read about any of that? 
Starting EASY - all you need to know and more!

This stage DOES NOT last forever :) he's still very very young. (Have you read about the 'fourth trimester'?) He will benefit from you helping him get his sleep right, but you don't need to stay in all the time, it's a question of balance, go out one day, stay in the next and give him time to recover. Or aim for one good nap a day if you think that'll do it for him. 

I would say, though, my sensitive LO1 would certainly not have benefitted from a baby class at that age - it would've been far too much for him and we both would've been miserable. Certainly try it out, but bear in mind he might not yet be ready for such things.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 19:06:40 pm by weaver »
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.