After reading the baby whisperer book I finally realised I was doing my bf, poor napper, prop supported, frequent waker 4.5month old no favours so set aside two weeks to put him onto a routine. Best thing we did. By day two he was self settling at night and down to the one necessary hungry feed. Within the week he was napping nicely twice a day for 1.5-2 hours each time.
He still naps well in the morning for 1.15 but his afternoon nap is only about 45mins now. This initially coincided with period of constipation but has never got better again. We're nearly three weeks on now. The last week he has also started to wake more at night and I believe is linked to poor napping (instead of the one WU abut 3 now WU at 10.30 and 5 and is starting to look like ha bit bas ed on regularity last three nights-he had previously STTN a few times but failing that we had shortened his obe WU to just a 5 min feed)). He still goes down independen at all naps and at night after routine.
His EASY routine currently looks something like this, give or take 30 minutes here ot there
E 7 WF and BF
S 9.30/45-11
E 11 BF (very short)
E Solids
S 1.30-2.15
E 3 BF
E 4.30
S 5 may nap in car/out and about for 30 minutes but never in cot
S 6.30
I'm assuming we're going wrong with our easy somewhere but I'm not sure what to tweak.
Additional points:
- He seems ready to drop his 11 BF but I'm reluctant to cut that out this early.
- He's generally happy in himself. The last hour before bed can be trying but he's not consistently grouchy at this time and the occasional can at 5 seems to make no difference.
- last week we were away but carried on with regularity of his routine