Consistency does seem to be paying off. His morning nap has been 2 hours the last two days! Thanks so much for your patience and guidance
2.5 does seem non negotiable for his first A time and 6is the new WU time. This means our EASY looks like this,
WU 6 (babbles happily in cot till I feed him)
E 6.45 bf
E 7.45 solids
S 8.30-10,30
E 12 solids
S 1.30-3
E 3 BF
E 4 solids
E. 6.15
S 6.45
One night waking still between 2.30-4.30 when he will feed for 5 minutes (still slowly cutting this dow) he has resettled three times with this now but woken up properly half hour later crying for a feed so not quite ready to drop it yet.
Does this look OK or does it need tweaks still? As much as I'd love to return to 7 WU for myself it does seem to suit him having an earlier start to the day.