Author Topic: random arouse time. Extending nap at 30,35,40,45,50 min??  (Read 1647 times)

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Offline whattoexpect

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random arouse time. Extending nap at 30,35,40,45,50 min??
« on: June 08, 2016, 19:32:38 pm »
so it's been a few weeks since I posted my last question regarding DD's falling asleep and staying asleep issue. Now she's 10 weeks.
Re: 8w baby falling asleep and staying asleep issues

I made progress with her falling asleep at bedtime in the crib, so I am trying to work on the nap falling asleep issue now.
But the staying asleep part is still difficult for nap.

Here are new questions

1. to help her learn to fall asleep in crib and connect the cycles, I just started using pacifier to calm her.
She was not much a paci lover before, but when she's upset that I put her in crib, or when she's fussy not able to fall asleep, paci seems to calm her much faster than sush-pat. It seems especially effective for connecting sleep cycles, as she would otherwise be wide awake for long time (as mentioned in the above post), but eyes started drooping much faster with paci. I try to pull it out soon after she's calm.
Is this alright? would it cause trouble down the road or it's easy to get rid of?

2. it's very unpredictable when she would stir up
e.g. sometimes she has some jolt around 5-10 min after she falls asleep. Then she could be aroused at 20 min, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 etc.
It's not just like what Tracy said to stay the first 20 min, then come back before 37/40 min, then baby would sleep nice and long.
Sometimes, I pat a bit when she's stirring up and she's over the hurdle. But sometimes she would keep moving and twitching every few min
I feel like I have to sit there the whole nap in order to help her stay asleep.
What should I do?

3. I am trying to observe what aroused her.
Sometimes there is nothing. Bing, she just open her eyes wide
Sometimes she arches back and twists like an inchworm
Sometimes she's stretching like she's yawning
Sometimes she just pull her legs up into a ball
What is it? Gas? Burp? reflux? Pee?
I tried to burp her very well and make her stay upright for 20-30 min after feed. Her crib has a slope.
What else can I do to lessen the disturbance? or she will have to just learn to deal with it on her own?
« Last Edit: June 11, 2016, 01:00:11 am by whattoexpect »

Offline Bella89

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Re: random arouse time. Extending nap at 5,10,20,30,35,40,45,50 min??
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2016, 12:42:10 pm »
First of all, I want to say - Congrats on your progress :) I know the situation still isn't ideal, but try to take a deep breath. Remember we can only take small steps with them unfortunately.

Question 1.
Everyone will tell you - it depends on a baby. There are so many different opinions on pacifier... You know best if it is something that is helping or creating more trouble. I personally (and it is solely based on our case:) was using pacifier with DS for 13 months. It bothered me all the way, because I didn't want to create a problem, and knew DS could not fall asleep on his own. Also, first 5 months, his sucking instinct was very strong. Later... i don't know.I always pulled it out 2-3 min after he fell asleep completely, even at night:/ At 13 months, one of his top teeth was erupting and the pacifier bothered him more, so he pulled it out by himself one day and said "no" to me. I figured, that's it!
My advice would be: If you feel ok with it, just pull it out 2-3 min after she is asleep. Even if it means, you will have to plug it in 10 min after.Then she will probably extend these times.

Question 2.
Again, this is only my opinion, as this is what I did with DS. When she is asleep, wait some time to pull out the dummy, then another minute if she is fine and leave the room. If you have baby monitor that's great! Do not come in if she is stirring, or giving other noise. Come in ONLY if she is crying for you. This sends a clear signal: if you're uncomfortable, try to settle by yourself. If you really need mommy, I will always come. Give her space, but always help her when she is crying.

Question 3.
It could be everything, really. But I have a question here. How much tummy time does she have daily? It can help them relax muscles, so the sleep is calmer. Does she sleep with her palms open or fists closed?

Offline whattoexpect

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Re: random arouse time. Extending nap at 5,10,20,30,35,40,45,50 min??
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2016, 05:12:50 am »
thank you for your input Bella!

Regarding question 2, I observed more and 5,10,20 min jolt seems ok for her to get through by herself. it's the 30-45 min mark.

Regarding letting LO to settle on her own, Tracy's book talks about staying/patting the whole first 20 min, and come back before the 40min mark to help the transition. So I feel DD needs help to transition sleep cycle.

I also had success preempting the 30/40 min wake up and get a 1.5+ hr long nap but it doesn't work every time.

If I don't intervene, she would be wide awake and making it harder to settle back.

Offline Bella89

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Re: random arouse time. Extending nap at 5,10,20,30,35,40,45,50 min??
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2016, 18:19:25 pm »
I think I know what you mean. You would rather come in early not to leave her time to fall out of sleep mode :)
I think if you get 40-45 min wake up, it means sleep cycles, but if she wakes sooner let's say 30 min. It may be OT.
Do you want to post your day as is for me to look at?

Offline whattoexpect

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Re: random arouse time. Extending nap at 5,10,20,30,35,40,45,50 min??
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2016, 00:57:46 am »
Bella, that's exactly right.

BTW forgot your questions earlier
How much tummy time does she have daily?
She's doing 5-10 min a time, 4 5 times a day. She recently learned tummy to back so it's harder to keep her longer but we should given what you said.

Does she sleep with her palms open or fists closed?
She's swaddled in a wombie but I would say firsts closed. what does it mean? she's too tense?

I remember seeing some check list to tell OT or UT but couldn't find it. Do you happen to have it?

Here is a typical day
E time:
7 AM wake up and Feed
between 10 and 10:30
between 2 and 2:30
between 5 and 5:30
7:30 pm (Bottle) and go to bed around 8:15
Night time feeding once or twice. sometimes 2+6 am sometimes  3,4 am then ready for 7 morning feed

A time:
She's breast fed most of the time, which takes a good 45 min including diaper change and burping in between.
She would do tummy about 15 min, play bouncer, mobile, gym etc for 15-30 min.

S time:
She's typically tired 1 - 1:15 after she wakes up. Then we take her to sleep, which takes 15 min or so.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2016, 00:59:33 am by whattoexpect »

Offline Bella89

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Re: random arouse time. Extending nap at 30,35,40,45,50 min??
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2016, 19:45:12 pm »
responding late again :(

So I asked around about that UT/OT checklist and still waiting on reply. Will let you know for sure! That 30 min/45 min wake up tip I got on this forum some time ago. I am passing it over:)

Your routine seems ok to me, but do you think adding extra 15 min to her A time would be possible? Sometimes it can create miracles :) (or not:/)

About tummy time and palms closed. Children when born, lack different skills or their body have to mature. Hence not sleeping, reflux etc.
Normally, if you are sure that she is healthy, not bothered by gas, reflux, hunger, overstimulation, you might want to make sure, that everything is ok with muscle tone.
Please, do not worry as this is a common thing and something I am no expert on, neither medical expert. This is just something I know happened with my friend's son. The best way to make sure is to see therapist that is professional.
BUT: You may help relax your baby by stretching your baby's hands and legs (slowly raise her hands and say something funny, raise  her knees to tummy - froggy style:) and make sure when lying on tummy her bottom is steady on the flor. Some children look like thy know how to roll over tummy to back, but in fact they loose balance or fall because of muscle spasms. Make sure it's not it.

I really hope I didn't worry you too much. These are simple tips that are helpful with healthy baby as well. I always liked our morning gymnastics when I goofed around with DS. Being really careful of course :)

Let me know if I can help you some more and how things are now.