Hope it lengthens!
Today he woke at 7 am. Originally he woke at 6:30 but I managed to nurse him down but he woke less than a half hour later
NW 9:50, 3 am, 6:30 am
WU 7 am
S 10:18-10:53 am (A 3:18; seemed really tired so gave him a CN)
S 2:24-4:24 pm (A 3:31; tried to nurse to sleep but didn't let him. Críed a little. Semi woke at 40 crabby. Woke up at 1.5 fell asleep on the boob)
BT 8:47 pm (A 4:23; fighting sleep)
He seems to be hurting. Keeps grabbing his mouth, wants to nurse nonstop. I gave him Tylenol before his Nap which helped a little bit. Gave him Motrin before BT. Not sure what tonight will look like!