It's ok...i was using this board as a sounding board of sleep deprived mania lol just feels like everyday is a shot in the dark.
As for the routine, that's the one thing I am afraid of in doing the long am vs a short am nap is the possibility of him rejecting a CN completely. However, I'm finding it very difficult to gage a good A time after a 30 minute am CN. Then just when I think (yesterday), I got it somewhat right, he gives me a long NW and a short night (7:30-6am). So I wondering if the long pm nap is influencing the EMW or long waking bc maybe I don't have enough A to BT or maybe it's still a case of UT/OT loop.
Today he slept 2 hours on a 4.5 A time. It was stretched accidentally bc I took a morning nap while DH watched DS and I woke up late. He actually was totally fine when I saw him, playing and joyful. He fought sleep a little with a couple of years but fell asleep rather quickly. I'm going to attempt a 20 minute CN at 3.75-4 hrs A time to hopefully get to a 7:30 bedtime.
Today was:
WU 6 am (it's getting earlier and earlier)
S 10:30-12:30 pm
So I'm attempting a CN 4:15-4:30 for 15-20 minutes and hopefully have a BT of 7:30 pm. So I guess an A time 2.5-3?
I have heard of people switching off days and would like to go that route since DS doesn't settle with OT very well. Mood wise he's great but it always comes out in his sleep.
I do not nurse to sleep often. Usually he can self-settle unless it gets desperate.