My daughter just turned 14 months and has been down to just the bedtime feed for a little over a month now. She drinks whole milk from a straw cup throughout the rest of the day, but I have been waiting to wean from the last feed until now since I am done work for the summer. I am looking for some advice though for how to go about this. Her current bedtime routine is bath, story with daddy, nurse in rocking chair, then lay down in crib. The problem here is that ever since she has dropped to one nap she ends up falling asleep while she is nursing and takes over 40 minutes for her to finish nursing and burp, which means she isn't going down awake and falling asleep on her own at night anymore. She does for naps though, so I know that she can. Tonight I tried to rearrange her bedtime routine so that I nursed her first downstairs, then gave her a bath, had dad read a story, and then I took her in our room to rock her for a bit. But as soon as I sat in the rocking chair and didn't nurse her she started crying, and when I tried to just take her into her room to lay her down then she just got more upset, so I ended up nursing her again in the rocking chair like I always do, which took double the amount of time it normally does. I do not want this to be a traumatizing process for either of us, but I would like her to be completely weaned at the very latest by the end of the summer, but preferably sooner. What would be the most gradual way that I could wean this feeding so that she doesn't get so upset before bed?