Hi & welcome to BW!
Short naps and broken nights are tough & exhausting for everyone. It's interesting that night sleep got worse around 4mo too, that's a common sleep regression but can get stuck.
It does sound like the key thing to try would be some sort of sleep training to teach him to self settle. I think it sound like he's getting overtired from not settling easily and also not able to resettle between sleep cycles.
It sounds like using sh-pat for night time helped reduce your night wakings which is great. Can I just check- is he self settling at bedtime using sh-pat, or is he feeding to sleep? It's not clear to me from your post.
I wonder why sh-pat is not working for naps? Could you post your typical routine in EASY format (or last couple of days if routine varies) and also describe what kind of activities and wind down you are doing?
Hi firstly thanks for responding.
He is feeding to sleep at night not sh-pat. His routine today was
0700 WU
0730 - 7oz milk + 1 spoon porridge
Out and about in the car so slept then - would be 30mins
1130 - 6oz milk + 1oz cube carrot
1400 - nap 30mins
1450 - 5oz milk
1700 - 3.5oz then fell asleep for 30 min
1900 - bedtime started
1930 - 7oz milk and in bed by 1945.
Activity wise we just play with his toys or read a book or put him in his jumperoo. We don't really have a wind down routine, when he rubs his eyes and yawns I just put him down and try get him off to sleep. He goes from being fine to a rub of the eyes and then to shouting in seconds when he is tired.
It's probably not the most structured day but we're trying to put a routine in to place. Any help would be greatly appreciated.