My 9mo has always been a squirmy nurser but it's getting ridiculous. He arches his back, kicks, twists, pinches, and shoves against the breast (when latched on, so that he's yanking on the nipple) while nursing. Right now my right boob is out of commission because he damaged it so bad it's basically an open wound at this point (I'm pumping instead). He's EBF and won't take a bottle so he's at the boob most of the time.
As he gets older and is more distractable it's gotten even worse - he keeps ripping off the boob to turn and see what's going on, turning back for a couple swallows, then off again.
His diaper output is good and he's gaining well, so I'm not worried about my supply - yet. He's not mad at the boob, he's just active, and it hurts! I want to keep nursing but my nipples are constantly bruised, blistered, or bleeding
What do I do? I thought the sore nipples would have ended long before now!