Author Topic: Having trouble with last nap of the day - TIME TO SWITCH ROUTINES????  (Read 1162 times)

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Offline kittiastra

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Hi, everyone!

My baby is 16 weeks. She is sleeping through the night. As in dreamfeed at 10 and then she is out till 7 AM..We started 3 hr routine at about 12 weeks, then switched to 3.5 about 2 weeks ago. With 3 hr, we were having 3 naps and a catnap and she kept waking up every 45 min.  We switched to 3.5 hr routine with only 3 naps, no catnap, and hammered at it for 3 weeks before she started taking decent naps (still some struggles but way better than it was). However, the third nap of the day has always been crap. And for the past 10 days or so she decided that that last nap will be no more than 45 min, and even if I insist and only go in and comfort her every 10 min or so but not let her get up (as I do during other wakings), she will wail for the entire last hour of our supposed nap. It is supposed to end at 5 and then bedtime at 7. In reality she almost always wakes at 4 and proceeds to complain for an hr, which leaves us with THREE hours till bedtime, which is practically impossible for her. An hr and 45 is her top limit right now. So no matter how I shuffle the naps we are still left with WAY longer wake period in the end of the day than she can handle and she REFUSES to finish that last nap. Trust me, I have tried. I am determined, I do not run to her the minute she makes a sound. I am as stubborn as she is, but the child just refuses!
Soooooo, that has got me thinking, that I either dropped the catnap too soon (I dropped it cause I felt like I am making her get too much daytime sleep, which caused her to wake up and fuss at night). Or.... she needs to be on 4 hour routine, BUT 4 hour routine suggests 2 hour wake time stretches, which I do not believe she can do. She is currently able to do 130-145 tops. So what the hell do I do?!

Offline Scottishmummy

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Hi & welcome to BW!

Welcome also to the 4month "fun"! Sleep can get a bit crazy at this point as A times increase quite rapidly from now until 6mo and there's also a lot of developmental stuff going on. It's great that your DD is STTN though, which sounds like the amount of day sleep is probably right but as you say it's a long push to BT if she will only take a short last nap. Good that other naps are a good length though. Last nap is first to be dropped so often is shorter and harder to get.

It would really help if you could post your typical day to help get a better idea of nap timings, lengths and A times.

In the meantime, a short last nap might mean she is ready for more A time at the end of the day. Some babies (like my DD) increase their last A time before the others. I'd try keeping her up slightly longer before that last nap e.g. 2 hrs and see if that helps?

If you do only get a short nap, one option is to bring BT earlier.. If you could post your routine we could have a look and see if there's anything you could try to help with that last nap.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2016, 16:31:45 pm by Scottishmummy »
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