As wonderful it is to have a baby who will currently sleep "anywhere" (I remember that, I used to be able to put DS down on a blanket on our roof terrace and I could sit in the sun with a cuppa and a book while he napped on the floor by me, it was lovely) it may not last and you might not want it to.
- might not last - mine would do that at 8 wks, nap on the roof terrace on a blanket or nap in the family room in his travel cot (like a pack and play) but at 10wks he had ideas of his own and absolutely refused to sleep unless he was in his night bed by my bed. Just saying it could change. I knew someone whose LO was still able to self settle on any bit of floor when handed any bit of cloth to cover his face at 6 months, it was amazing, but that LO had dream naps and then was up all night screaming his head off so given the choice I'd keep mine as he was a dream over night. You already said she was not happy if you tried to move the rock n play to bed so she already has ideas of where she will sleep and she might develop some even stronger ideas about it in the coming weeks (like mine did), I would just be cautious that you are truly happy with the places she chooses to sleep because...
- you might not want it to - it's great now at 8 wks she will sleep on the floor or out and about. At 8 wks you can pretty much guarantee she is not going anywhere from the floor so if you were desperate for the toilet I imagine she is very safe sleeping there, BUT a few months down the line she can start to roll and no longer be that little motionless bundle sleeping peacefully. if she is on the floor you would need to supervise 100% of the time as you do not know the day she is going to begin to roll and one roll can lead to another and her little arms can reach things you didn't expect her to reach, so she could end up in mischief and you could end up prisoner next to her to observe throughout a 2 hr nap - imagine that? A 2hr nap I know I'm going for a shower or doing the daily essentials (sterilising bottles, throwing laundry in the machine, feeding myself etc), kwim? I'm just saying, it sounds lovely now but IIWM I'd be putting her in something and getting her used to it. Our big play pen had a flat mattress base which DS initially slept on (until his demands to go upstairs to his night bed for naps at 10wks), perhaps something like that is an option for you? They are safe in there after they learn to roll, crawl, sit, stand...right up until they learn to climb out which mine never did.
I'm not saying don't go out and about, it's great to have a portable baby, I'm just saying looking to the future, these are the things Tracy warned us all about, just make sure you know what is ahead that's all, she might be happy on her play mat but are *you* happy for her to develop a habit of napping on the play mat? xx
WRT your initial question though - mine like I said demanded his night bed at 10wks, it was a hammock by my bed where he slept independently (mostly, bar reflux and the usual culprits of sleep disturbance). He did not go into his cot until 9.5 months. We had 3 rough days of transition, started really rough but ended pretty quickly.