Thank you so much for the prompt response.
She will be 4 months in 4 days... so we started PU/PD a bit early but we needed to do something to get her to sleep in her own crib and without pacifier. She has always been a terrible sleeper, particularly at nighttime... we spent many hours over the first couple of months rocking her to sleep between midnight and 6 am and having her wake right up when we put her back down. Often it would take 2+ hours to get her back to sleep. Since moving her into her crib without pacifier, her nighttime sleep has drastically improved, and I think PU/PD helped a lot with this transition. At the very least it's given us a solid plan that DH and I can both stick to.
As a slight amendment to my first post, I guess I should have said that PU/PD WAS working really well for us for about a week. She would calm down when we picked her up and then cry when we put her down, but this would only take about 10 minutes or so before she would fall asleep. However, for the past couple of days, she FIGHTS US so hard whenever we put her down - for beginning of naps, middle of naps, or bedtime. She starts screaming the second we swaddle her and then thrashes and fights in our arms. Like I mentioned before, her behavior has reversed - she will calm slightly for a few minutes once we put her down, but if she cries again and we pick her up she will get even more agitated in our arms. I do put her down when she's thrashing per the BW recommendation. This usually goes on for at least 15 minutes as you'll see in my schedule, below. She will eventually settle (I think from exhaustion) but it's brutal, we both end up sweaty and upset.
I have been keeping track of her schedule, and this was her schedule starting with Monday night, which has been typical the past few days:
S 7:45pm - 6:30am (E 11:30pm and 3:30am, goes right back down after eating) (Swaddled at 7:30pm, did PU/PD for 15 minutes where she violently protested per description above)
WU 6:30am
E 6:30am
A 1 hour 15 mins
S 7:45am - 8:25am (40 mins, tried to resettle for 20 mins, during which time she violently protested before passing out)
S 8:45am - 10:30am (1 hr 45 mins)
E 10:30am
A 1 hour 30 mins
S 12:00pm - 12:40pm (40 mins, tried to resettle for 45 mins. I let her whimper a bit in her crib and left the room, went back in and picked her up whenever it escalated into full crying, repeat)
S 1:25pm - 2:00pm (35 mins)
E 2:00pm
A 1 hour 40 mins
S 3:40pm - 4:25pm (45 mins, tried to resettle for 20 minutes, violent protest and passed out)
S 4:45pm - 5:30pm
A 2 hours 20 mins
E 5:30pm
E 6:45pm
E 7:30pm
S 7:50pm - 6:00am (E 12:30am and 3:45am) (swaddled at 7:30 pm but took 20 mins to fall asleep, screaming while held per description)
When she wakes at 40 minutes, I hear her making noises but I wait for her to cry. She occasionally will put herself back to sleep before crying but not usually. She does rub her face into the mattress quite a bit. When she wakes up I'm not in the room but listening on the monitor to make sure she is truly awake. Once I hear her start fully crying, I go up and try to shush/pat but at this point I almost always have to start PU/PD b/c she's inconsolable otherwise. It's usually clear that she is still tired, her eyes are closed or sleepy looking and she is crying. On the occasions where she manages to take a 1 1/2 hour nap, she will cry a bit to get my attention but has wide open eyes and is smiling. If I get her up after a 40 minute nap, she is a mess after about an hour.
Overall she just seems to HATE going to sleep and I feel terrible. She is not the type of baby that will just fall asleep, even in our arms, she hasn't done that since she was 1 month old... for a time she only slept in a carrier, and now she only falls asleep swaddled in her crib. She was never the baby that slept most of the day - at one point around 2 months, we realized she was only sleeping for a total of about 10 hours each day which is when we started swaddling her and making a point of putting her down for sleep. We only had a couple of weeks where she was actually napping well! I'm thankful for the solid nighttime sleep, but I just feel so bad about how upset she gets every time we put her down, and especially in the middle of her naps
Thank you so much for your help!