Thanks, Martini. I do agree with everything you said regarding sleep training. I did pu/pd for a short period during 4 month regression for naps and dealt with horrible screaming crying during that. I do think it may be a bit too early to go full-fledged ST since it's only been a little over a week that I stopped nursing her, so she may just still be adjusting to the change in bedtime routine. I guess I will stick with what I've been doing for a few days yet and see if it passes over or improves at all, then consider doing wi/wo when I'm sure that she's not having separation anxiety and doesn't need me there.
Today she napped 2 hours again thankfully. And I put her down around 6:55 tonight, went up to her at 7:10 after a few minutes of crying, and she fell asleep at 8:10. She goes back and forth between standing and wanting to be picked up, to laying and talking to herself, then just when I think she's starting to calm and might fall asleep, she gets up and plays the throw the doll game like she's wide awake again. I do think that me being in there is part of what makes it take longer for her to fall asleep because it's entertainment in a way.