My first two sons were big, fat babies, who were on a 3 hr schedule and then a 4 hr schedule by 4-5 months. My third baby boy was born average size but was "skinny" and very clingy and cried a lot so the doc recommended solids around 5 months and then I sleep trained him and he was much happier and put on weight very quickly.
Now my baby boy #4 at almost 5 months is exactly the same, born average size and was on a 3 hr schedule but when I saw it was interfering with his naps I put him on a 4 hr schedule, his naps still aren't great but his wake time is 2 hrs-2.15, and he has fallen off the weight curve completely. The doctor recommended starting him on solids, nursing him more, giving him a feed around 5 pm etc, but how do I feed him more and keep him on 4 hrs? He doesn't take a bottle, and frankly I don't want him to. I nursed my other kids totally fine, what can I do to keep breastfeeding and keep on an age appropriate EASY?