Author Topic: Newbie query about time taken to get to sleep!  (Read 1532 times)

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Offline Sally2thompson

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Newbie query about time taken to get to sleep!
« on: June 26, 2016, 14:39:41 pm »

I have a billion questions on a daily basis re the routine but I will just start with this couple if that's ok..... I have an 8 week old, she was 4 weeks early (not sure if this matters), 2 things, we are trying to follow the easy plan, trying to stick to this

7 wake, feed, activity then sleep 815
1000 wake, feed, activity then sleep 1115
1300 wake, feed, activity then sleep 1415
1600 wake, feed, activity then sleep 1715
Wake at 1800 for feed and bath then second part of feed at 1900 and in bed for 1900-1930
1000 wake her for a sleepfeed
0100 wake her for a sleepfeed
0400 wake her for a sleepfeed

We do ok, with some variation. I overthink it I think. She was fed every 3 hours at the hospital when she was born and I think this has helped but now she's getting more alert we are trying to make sure we are doing the right thing. Now though She will wake early sometimes and sometimes
I will have to wake her. She's sometimes ready for a sleep and I can't keep her awake and others she seems quite awake after the activity time so there's not really a pattern.

So for example when I put her down today at 1445 it can take her 30-45 minutes to go to sleep, she doesn't cry, she just makes lots of little noises then eventually goes to sleep..... Is this ok for us to just leave her for this time alone? (Obviously she's only in the next room and we have a visual monitor etc) Also..... If for example she is meant to wake at 1300 and she wakes at 1230, do I then move her sleep time to 1345 or 1415 still?

Hope this makes sense and thanks so so much for any help! I know I will eventually see a pattern if she needs for example a longer sleep in the afternoon and shorter in the morning etc but just want to make sure I'm doing the best I can.

Thanks in advance!

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: Newbie query about time taken to get to sleep!
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2016, 19:20:43 pm »
Welcome to baby whisperer and congratulations on your new baby.

Sometimes early babies follow routines of slightly younger babies I.e. The routine they would be on if they were born at term.  In routine terms this might mean she can't stay awake also as other 8wk olds before she needs a nap.

Just a question about feeds- has the hospital advised you to stick to a strict 3hrly feeding schedule round the clock? I ask because I don't often see people waking themselves and baby throughout the night for feeds apart from the 10 pm if doing a dream feed

I'll try to answer your nap questions:

Self-settling- it's great that she is able to self settle to sleep & isn't crying.  30-45 mins is quite a long time to be settling though & makes me wonder whether the nap timing might need a tweak to help her fall asleep within 15-20 mins (average time to settle).  How long are her naps?

Waking early- we tend to go by baby's tiredness signs and time awake (A times) to work out when next nap will happen, rather than by the clock.  So I would try observing her for tired signs, following her lead with naps and also thinking about average A time (but bearing in mind this might be shorter for her) Average A times- BOOKMARK ME!

It would really help to see your actual days, rather than the day you aim for.  Could you post a couple of days of the actual times she goes to sleep, wakes, feeds etc?

Remember that there is no definitive "right" or "wrong" when it comes to EASY,  it's just getting to know your baby, tuning into her cues and working out & making choices on what is going to suit you & her.

"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

Offline Sally2thompson

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Re: Newbie query about time taken to get to sleep!
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2016, 19:28:55 pm »
Wow thank you so much for your helpful reply! I will read a few times to digest!

No the hospital haven't told us to stick to the 3 hour routine, I thought I was meant to wake her every 3 hours through the night for this routine? My sister followed it and she did the plan for me! It's my first baby and I'm so eager to get it right but will be as flexible as possible! She's had her jabs this week so it's been a tad up and down but I will post a couple of her actual days to give you more of an idea! I thought we were meant to wake them every 3 hours in the night to get them to sleep through and then to start the day at 7 again? She did go 7 hours once and 6 hours but my sister advised to wake every 3 hours during the night still so I've  started doing that again!  I feel I've got it all wrong!!!

Thanks again!

Offline weaver

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Re: Newbie query about time taken to get to sleep!
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2016, 19:33:19 pm »
Hello and welcome!

No lovey don't wake up at night on purpose :) she will wake you when she needs you and if you're lucky she'll do a long (4hr or so) stretch. If you do a dream feed at 10ish, then you could expect two more wake ups or maybe three but hopefully she'll do some long stretches for you.

I was advised to do every 3 hours round the clock with my Lo1 but that was direct advice from the midwife and even then we only did it for a few days.
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: Newbie query about time taken to get to sleep!
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2016, 19:50:27 pm »
And please don't feel you've done anything wrong. It's all different choices. But as weaver says don't feel you need to wake her if hospital/HV/MW  are happy with her weight gain etc. Enjoy the extra night sleep (hopefully)!
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

Offline Sally2thompson

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Re: Newbie query about time taken to get to sleep!
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2016, 20:09:37 pm »
Thanks so much everyone! God it's so emotional! She's a good baby, I am so lucky! I just dint want to mess it up!

And they're very happy with her weight, she was 6lb 6oz and now 9lb 7oz so there's certainly no issue with her weight! Right tonight I won't wake her then! I did think it odd as to why I woke her when my aim is for her to sleep peacefully and for as long as possible! I will keep a note for the next couple of days of her sleep times etc then post them. Generally though will I let her dictate to me when she wants to get up and sleep in the day or shall I try my routine as per above and see how she does? Then at least I know she's getting enough sleep and food?

Thanks again!

Offline Sally2thompson

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Re: Newbie query about time taken to get to sleep!
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2016, 20:10:07 pm »
Didn't not dint sorry!

Offline weaver

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Re: Newbie query about time taken to get to sleep!
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2016, 20:43:37 pm »
Go for three hourly during a 12hr day ( roughly) and let her wake up at night.
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: Newbie query about time taken to get to sleep!
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2016, 20:59:23 pm »
Go for three hourly during a 12hr day ( roughly) and let her wake up at night.

Yes this...and for naps - go for your normal routine otherwise you'll feel totally confused but just note when she falls asleep,  how long she sleeps for and if she looks tired earlier, try for an earlier nap and see what happens
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD