Can I ask how you fit in milk and meals?
Also how do you fit in activities out of the house for your DD1? That's the part I'm finding hardest with the long am.
Does your DS still nap? That would make the long a.m. nap really tricky to maintain. I did not actually plan to hang on to the long am, short pm nap for the summer, but it actually ended up working well with DD1's swim lessons at 2:15, so for the most part it's the routine we've ended up with.
Here's a typical day:
WU and milk 7am
Breakfast 8ish w/ DD1
out to take the dog down to the river or for some quick errands, chores around the house, etc. I might offer a 10ish snack especially if I feel like she didn't eat much breakfast.
Nap #1 - 11am to 12:30/12:45
1 on 1 time and lunch with DD1. Get ready for the pool usually.
Milk when awake from nap.
Out and about usually to pool these days. I bring an applesauce or something to offer around 2pm
Nap #2 - 4pmish catnap either out in the ergo or at home.
Offer smaller milk feed around 5pm
7:30/8pm - I settle DD1 to bed while J potters around her room and I read books.
8pmish - Then, I feed and put J to bed.
Sometimes I'll reverse the naps if we've made morning plans with friends and do a catnap out and about. But surprisingly this schedule has held up pretty well fro us. Hope this helps!