So this is the first time I've ever posted on a forum!
My baby girl just turned 4 months. Before we hit 3 months, she was eating every two hours and sleeping through the night, about 8 hrs. I don't know what happened, exactly, but at 3 months everything changed. I think I took someone's advice and switched her to a 3 hr feeding schedule, they said she could probably handle it since she was sleeping through the night. Well, I didn't know about easing into transitions, and I just went one day doing 2hr to the next 3hr! That's when she started waking up crazy intervals at night and then naps were HORRIBLE.
I've since then pulled in the reigns and we went to a 2.75 hr feed with 1 to 1.25 hr wake time. It has helped a lot, but she has the 45 minute intruder thing happening. I'm wondering if I'm doing something off? Also, with the feeding time thing, I thought that 2.5hr was too short bc she would never eat a full meal, but then again sometimes she does. So I don't know what to do bc hunger cues are nonexistent for the most part.
7a - wake and eat
7:45/8- nap (usually short and wakes at 9)
9:30/:45 - eat (bc of short nap, the next nap is at 10)
12p/:15 - eat (due to poor naps usually next nap is at 12:30)
2:30/:45 - eat (" ")
4:30/:45/5p - eat (obviously this is not a consistent schedule, I need help)
Awake for 2 hr, sometimes 3!!
Bedtime 7-7:30
I used to DF but now just let her call when she's hungry. Usually midnight. Then up again 4:30/5am for a snack...haven't the courage yet to tackle that one.
Help! We need a routine that works! She settles down on her own pretty well, for which I'm grateful. It's just the waking up in her REM for naps