Hi there
I have posted a couple of times over the past month or so about this, and accepted the awesome advice given at the time (patience, it will get better etc, which I appreciated of course and accept) but the night waking for feeding seems to be getting worse.
My 12wo DS has gone from doing 6.30pm - 3.30 am stretch (and then 4.00 am - 6.30 am) to: 6.30pm - 10.30pm (now a DF as he was waking around 10.30/11 anyway); then 2/2.30am and then 5.00 am, before waking finally at 7.30 am. So from 1 night wake up to 3!!
How can a baby be able to do like an 8 hour stretch when he is 5-6 weeks old, to not being able to go 3-4 hours?
He is on a fairly predictable 3 hour EASY. (I'll post below). Secondary issue - the last 3-4 days has has started resisting naps even though very tired in the afternoons. So he has been awake from around 11 am - 3 pm (approx, not exactly those times every day) without a nap. Going a bit insane as this LO has been on EASY almost since birth and has always responded well to it.
He is a hungry boy, large for his age, and takes decent sized bottles at every feed, he is hungry during the day at that 3 hour mark.
His EASY is:
7.30 am WU
8.00 am E (after 5 am bottle)
8.30 am S (1.5-2 hours usually, sometimes a catnap)
11 am E
12.15/12.30 pm S - This has tended to be a longer sleep of around 2 hours, unless he has skipped it like he has done a little bit occasionally!
2 pm E
3.15 pm S - sometimes a catnap of 45 min, sometimes 1.5 hours
5/5.30 pm E
6.30 pm bedtime with top up of bottle.
Then currently the night wakings are:
10.30 pm DF (which is sometimes a waking... we started the DF at 10/10.30 because he started waking for a feed anyway, it was good to take control of that one a little bit so we weren't getting out of bed for a feed... this way he's fed on our way to bed)
2.30 am Feed
5.30 am Feed