We get some nights (like last night) where DS2 has such a hard time settling. He's asleep, then starts crying and needs to be picked up and held, or if already in arms, to be moved to a different position.
He's eating loads and we are doing BLW, so I'd have to keep a food diary to work things out. Would that be for the last meal of the day or all of them?
He has recently started drinking lots of water. I don't know if this is the cause or not, but for the last couple of weeks we've been getting very frequent dirty nappies. A big one in the morning, then several much more watery ones throughout the day. When ebf he was going roughly once a day.
Sometimes I wonder if they contain mucous. Would it be obvious?
I'd like to rule it out, somehow. A lot of nights are not like this, but I'm wondering if this is why it's so difficult to get him to settle most evenings, or if I just need to feed him more.