Today has been:
Wake 5:50 after sleeping 10h45m (woke once at 4 and was hard to resettle after feeding) wouldn't resettle at 5:50
A 2.5
S 8:20-9 wouldn't resettle
A 2h20m
S 11:20-12:05 wouldn't resettle
A 2h15m
S 2:20-2:50 wouldn't resettle
Now I'm stuck trying to fit a 4th nap in and not have her total A time be 11-12 hours...
UPDATE: she resettled for nap 3 after 20 mins and slept till 4:30. In crib for bed at 6:25, fell asleep 4 times but kept waking up needing the paci, which is not typical unless UT, OT or OS. She finally fell asleep at 7:30, 3 hours after she woke from her nap.