Thanks for that. He seems to have dropped a few oz himself the last couple of days. Once I have the 2 bottles down to 4oz each is that the time to then make the 2 bottles into one 8oz bottle?
You can do - I'm not sure there is an ideal time or amount! We dropped to 3 bottles at 8 months with my refluxing DD as she just wouldn't take decent bottles closer together and it was to get her to take the minimum 20oz in 24 hours.
What works for most people at this age with naps is to do a wake up bottle, the second bottle after lunch and before the afternoon nap and then a bedtime bottle. If it fitted, I used to give her a snack before her morning nap (depending on how much breakfast she ate) and then lunch was about 11.30 ish so that she took a decent bottle about 2pm. We used to do evening meal about 4.30pm so she was ready for her bedtime bottle after a bath about 7pm.
I meant to say too - sorry about the late reply, I've been away visiting the inlaws
with not very good internet!