I am not sure whether I should post it here or bottle feeding forum.
My 6 wo DD is EBF, and I always pump one bottle (sometimes two) to dream feed her at night. (As suggested in Tracy's book, and I will need to go back to work in 2 months.) And there has been no problem until two days ago.
Suddenly, the day before yesterday, she had one bottle at 21:26 (DF), but refuse to take another one at 23:45 (DF). That morning, I had a cup of milk. She seemed to have reflux that afternoon since she spit more often and made weird choking sound. But I actually had milk a few days ago too, and it didn't seem to cause any problem. But anyway, dairy products are not in my diet anymore.
Yesterday, she again refused bottle dream feeding at 23:00. This time I gave her expressed milk from a few days ago, so diet should not be a problem.
Today, as we need to visit the doctor's, I prepared another bottle of milk pumped a few days ago. She refused again. In the afternoon, I gave her some milk I pumped 2 hours ago, she refused it.
I am already handful with her 45min nap, sleeping only in carrier, at least 4 night feedings problems, now, a new one. Not to mention I also have a toddler to take care of. OMG! I know why some moms have postpartum blue.
Please help. Many thanks.