So I've got an almost 12 month old who has been pushing her way to 1 nap a day. Basically she starting taking a longer morning nap and refusing a second nap and now even if she were to take an early nap and it was short she's still a bear to put down for a second nap so I've pretty much gone to 1 nap a day with her unless there's unusual circumstances. She's been perfectly happy with this and I can't say we've struggled much with any behavior issues or problems during the day just some bedtime struggles but this has been an issue with her since she was born so I don't know as though it's necessarily related to the transition or not. I still haven't found a sweet spot that gets her to bed quickly and easily so I thought I'd get some input on her schedule to help gage a good bedtime and also how to adjust this bedtime if she takes a shorter nap during the day, which often happens because she has twin 3 year old sisters who are not very quiet and often wake her, or is she takes an incidental cat nap late in the day in the car as we run around to and from activities. The other struggle I have is a babysitter who insists on putting her down for two naps still no matter what I tell her to do so the 2 days I work we struggle with bedtime too since she has a later nap. Here's her current schedule roughly.
Wake somewhere between 7 and 8 am
Nap between 11 and 12 and can be anywhere from 1 1/2 hours to 2 1/2 hours
Bedtime roughly 6 hours after she wakes.
Thoughts on this schedule and how to adjust it to try and get her a bedtime where she falls asleep easily but not OT and what to do when theres a lata cat nap or short mid day nap?