Author Topic: Waking at Night & Fighting Nap HARD!  (Read 1491 times)

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Offline kristeno

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Waking at Night & Fighting Nap HARD!
« on: July 15, 2016, 20:24:25 pm »
My LO is 10 1/2 months old & for almost a month now has been waking consistently all night long & won't go back go sleep until she's in our bed or on the couch with daddy. Then she's refusing her second nap. Of course, I think the 2 issues are connected because she's not getting enough sleep all around. We have done BW before & it was amazing! Fixed everything, but now that she's trying to transition herself 2-1 naps, I just don't know what to do from here.


6 Wake screaming/crying & nurse
605/610 Sleep
830/9ish Wake & nurse (used to be 730, but been up all night)
10 Eat breakfast
1130 Morning Nap
1245 Wake & bottle (breast milk)
130 Lunch
345/415 (supposed) Afternoon Nap
5 (supposed) Wake & nurse
6 Snack
630/7 Dinner
745 Bath
815 Teeth, Book, Nurse to sleep
930 In bed
10 Wake to sleep
11 Wake to sleep
12 Wake to sleep
1230 Wake up screaming/crying
1 In bed asleep
120 Wake up screaming/crying
130 In bed asleep
3/430 Wake up screaming/crying, go to Mama's bed
**Toss & turn all night**
630 Wake up screaming/crying & nurse


Offline FPT23

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Re: Waking at Night & Fighting Nap HARD!
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2016, 23:07:16 pm »
Hi there! Wow that sounds super rough!

Honestly, waking every 1-2 hours I would affiliate with some sort of discomfort. Have you looked a bit into her diet? Or perhaps medicating for new teeth?

I think, personally... She could be going into 2-1 but it might be too soon. Maybe she's OT from such long nights and is having a harder time to resettle. Average A times for her age is about 3-4 and from the above EASY, it seems she is on the low side as well. You may want to consider aiming for 3.5 or so if she's up for it by gently increasing every few days by 10/15 mins.

Another question, has she ever slept independently? When did this pattern emerge?

Thank you and many hugs! Hope other moms join in to help you too! That's tough but hang in there xoxoxoxo

Offline kristeno

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Re: Waking at Night & Fighting Nap HARD!
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2016, 00:50:25 am »
Thanks for your encouragement! As far as diet goes, there's nothing new, in fact I've recently cut most dairy from her diet, so I would think that's not it. She did gave a tooth cut recently, but this has been going on for about a month now. She's never been able to put herself to sleep, but we did BW training before & that helped us wean nught feedings, night wakings, cosleeping, nursing to sleep & actually got her to take naps! But we have never gotten to the point where we could just lay her down & she'd go to sleep.

Offline FPT23

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Re: Waking at Night & Fighting Nap HARD!
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2016, 20:32:10 pm »
Is it possible she just needs you for something? I know seperation anxiety is common at that age too! Maybe she's hot/cold? Some new pjs bothering her? To be waking every hour I feel like something has to be of discomfort but if you've tried it all then maybe my next suggestion :)

To be waking like that every hour is a bit much. I would try to increase her daytime in between naps and see if it helps. Perhaps she's also under tired and is just waking as she is not tired enough? I would try to increase her A time little by little as I pointed out above.

Maybe other mamas can jump in later for more advice! Hope things get better! That's really rough! You'll get through this :)

Offline kristeno

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Re: Waking at Night & Fighting Nap HARD!
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2016, 20:52:58 pm »
Thank you so much! Last night wasn't perfect, but she fell asleep at the dinner table (poor babe!) & slept for 30 min. So bedtime was at about 930. I finally had her asleep, using BW put down technique & finally, after a little over an hour (1040P), she fell asleep & slept until 1240 & it took 5 min to get back to sleep. Then she woke at 345 (10 min), but slept til 7! My husband held her & they both fell asleep  ::) til 830. BUT for her morning nap, after 2 hours 45 min A time (increased 15 min), she fell asleep at 1050 (25 min earlier than I expected), she slept for 2 HOURS & 10 MIN!!!! She has NEVER slept that long!! So, I'm increasing her afternoon A time also to 3 hours, 15 min. Is 445 too late for a nap?

Offline FPT23

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Re: Waking at Night & Fighting Nap HARD!
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2016, 00:03:07 am »
Hi I'm glad increasing has helped! :)

I think you need to shift her whole day to an earlier bedtime. If she's falling asleep at the dinner table she's OT! ....

4:45 is a bit late for a nap so I would cap it to preserve a good early BT.
