My 8.5 month old has always been a great napper and a great sleeper at night. I'm a stay at home mom and really try to keep his routine consistent whenever possible. The last 2 weeks or so, he has been showing signs of separation anxiety (cries when I put him down and walk out of the room, can't entertain himself for very long periods without me sitting by him), and I'm doing what the book suggests to make sure the phase runs its course and doesn't become prolonged (talking to him as I walk out of the room, consoling him without picking him up until he is happily distracted, etc). His naps have gotten worse and worse and I think it's because he knows I'm the one he gets to see when he doesn't sleep. When I had a sitter put him down for his morning nap, he slept 2 hrs. When I put him down this afternoon, he slept for 30 minutes. The shush-pat doesn't do any good. He only stops crying when I pick him up which leads to him falling asleep in my arms as I rock him because he is obviously so tired! I definitely don't want to make a habit of that! Here is our typical day (prior to the last couple weeks)
6:30-7 nurse
8 solids
9-10:30 nap
11 nurse
1 solids
2-3:30 nap
4 nurse
6 solids
7:30 nurse and bedtime around 8
Any guidance would be appreciated! I love that he loves me so much, but I can't help but feel frustrated since he naps for others and not me (since 99% of his naps happen with me at home!)