Hi everyone! My daughter recently found her thumb and doesn't cry for the paci at 45 min cuz she self soothe with it. Here's what happen : fall asleep greatly after 2.5 hour of awake time, wakes up at 40-45 min, suck her thumb until sleepy, then around 1 hour when she jolts instead of re entering in deep sleep she wakes up happy and cooing. Any tips on how to prevent that? Or should I just let it go and focus on one hour is good? if so we have to fit in a CN.
1ST scenario : she sleeps around 4 and BT at 7. She is UT and wakes up at first sleep cycle after BT but doesn't have any EW until 6:30
2nd scenario : she fights the CN like it's her job and we do early BT at 6:30 (any earlier than that is not working believe me, we tried). Doesn't wake up at first sleep cycle but we get EWs around 4 and/or 5 and is up for the day between 6/6:30.
I'm looking for your comments please!