Hi, my DD is 7 months old. Forever she was sleeping 4x30,3x30 min. We did try to extend short naps but never succeeded. She is EBF, on 4 hour EASY and tolerate tiredness very well. She normally sleeps every 3 hours. Recently we had to take DD1 (3 years old) to swimming and came home late for her first nap. She went to bed at 3:45. She slept for 1:30. She did the same day after and next time two. With such a long nap after almost 4 hours she only sleeps 30 min around 3ish. Now, my question is: how do I adjust 4 hours EASY. Today:
Wu. 6:15
E 7
Solids. 8:30
S. 10-11:30
E. 11:30
Solids 12:30
S. 3-3:30
E. 3:30
Solids 4:30
S. 6:30. Very tired by then.