I'm slowly starting on transitioning DS from 2 naps to 1. I've capped the first nap at 1 sleep cycle. So I have:
WU: Any time from about 5:30 but can be as 'late' (!!) as 6:00/6:15. I don't get him up until 6:15.
Nap 1: 9:30-10:15 (sometimes he wakes up, or I wake him!)
Nap 2: 14:00-15:00 (he pretty much wakes at the hour mark all the time - sometimes will doze off for a bit longer after a couple of minutes but I would love to get a solid 1:20-30 nap from him - he used to do this!)
Bedtime: 6:30 ish - depends when he woke from his 2nd nap. He's normally asleep by 7 anyway.
If anyone has any thoughts then I'd be very grateful! I know the next bit is to cap nap 1 further but I'm worried about him not extending nap 2 to compensate and then losing out on sleep. We had to cap nap 1 to 45 minutes (I used to give him an hour) as he was playing around massively for nap 2 and then bedtime got really late - but he still woke early.
Does waking at the hour mean anything?!
Thanks so much.